Sunday, August 09, 2020

Morgan's GenCon Online 2020

GenCon Online 2020 was held July 30 - Aug 2, 2020. Due to Covid concerns, GenCon was not held in Indianapolis, but online. GenCon did not collect any badge fees, but kept their pay to play model for games.

That said, I really like this new model. Pelgrane Press charged $2 per seat for 4 hour games. Chaosium charged $6 per seat for 5 hour games, but gave each attendee $3 in online store credit. GenCon took a percent of the proceeds. One of my friends played in 8 games and paid only $18. Much cheaper than purchasing a badge, about $100.

I'm hoping my local conventions turn to this model if they turn into online conventions.

I ran "Four Hours to Reno" 3 times for Chaosium and watched a fair number of seminars.

Though a number of my sessions were back-to-back, I was able to get to my games on time since I didn't have to physically rush to my game table.

My game table on for Four Hours to Reno


Presenters used YouTube live, FB Live, and Twitch. From my experience, Twitch was the best platform. FB Live was very flaky. After GenCon, some seminars got published on YouTube.

I found that it was best to signup for all seminars you're interested in because only then would you get a link to the presentation and all the platforms let you view the presentation later. e.g. if you were late, you could rewind and watch it from the beginning. Without the link, you'd have difficulty finding the seminar. Some videos you'll need to fast forward past a bit of dead start time.

I watched more than the ones listed below, but left out the ones I disliked. Some were light in content or were just a sales pitch for their product.

Japanese Stories and History by Laura Baugh

Both of these are highly recommended.

Storytime from Japanese History (video):
Japanese Folklore and Mythology (video):

NSDM (The National Security Decision Making Game)

Global Hotspots was the most interesting talk.

Global Hotspots 2020 (video):
Intersection of Cyber War and Statecraft (video):
Data and Power (video):

Pelgrane Press

World Design is highly recommended, but not from GenCon nor Pelgrane.
World Design Masterclass by Ken Hite (video):

Horror Roleplaying Masterclass (video):
Investigative Roleplaying Masterclass (video):
Swords of the Serpentine (video):
Yellow King RPG (video):
Drama System Masterclass (video):

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