Monday, February 19, 2024

Morgan's DundraCon 47 Adventures

If I homebrew my own scenario, I generally run it all year through the con circuit. I last ran A Place for Wellness at BigBadCon in 2019 and COVID hit and I never got to finish running it at the other conventions. So, I'll finally be able to finish running the game through the con circuit this year. I'll be running it at KublaCon and that'll be it.

The Shuffler hated me this year. I only got into one game via the Shuffler and it was my 2nd choice for that slot. Drouin's game was via a priority slip. So game-wise, it was very disappointing. I only got to play in 2 games.

For some reason, 16 games got cancelled. I also felt compared to years before there were fewer games. This could all be due to Covid concerns (very few people were wearing masks, I counted 3), the new location, or the economy. Because of this, I noticed games were oversubscribed. One game had 45 first choice requests for 6 available seats.

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A Place for Wellness
Friday Noon in 149 for 4 Hours
GM: Morgan Hua
Type: RPG
System: Cthulhu Dark
Players: 6 (C Scott, J Scott, N Winters, P Perez, J Gonzalez, L Ruifrok)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mature Themes
You will play various characters from movies such as Terminator, Halloween, Hellraiser, IT, Psycho, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. All are new patients in an insane asylum. Patients suffer from various persecution complexes, delusions, paranoia, and some have violent tendencies. When not playing a Patient, you will play as Doctors in charge of evaluating patients, recommending therapies, and administering outdated therapies to the patients. The asylum is modern and similar in tone to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This is a PvP game where the Patients are pitted against the Doctors and the system. This is a game about perceptions, observation, deception, and human cruelty. Remember: The Institute for Wellness is here for your safety and well-being. Patience is a virtue and a patient is only released when they're ready to face the world.

I had a table of exceptional players and the game play was very good.

Torn: The University
Saturday 8 AM in 145 for 4 Hours
GM: Steven Drouin
Type: RPG
System: TORN
Players: 5 (D Brubeck, L Saunders, N Fuller, S Phelan, Morgan Hua)
Provided: Characters created for game
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream
You awake in the small village of Point Reyes Station, with no memory of who you were. Artifacts and documents will help you will learn who you were and then you will tear yourself apart to learn what happened to you. Torn is a mystery/horror RPG system rooted heavily in media, character development, and narrative improvisation. No knowledge of the system is required, but willingness to role play is a must.

Steven always delivers a good game. He's the author of this game system. It's chockfull of props and handouts. I had a really good time.

The Valley of Multifarious Deaths
Sunday 10 AM in 139 for 8 Hours
GM: Norm Albert
Type: RPG
System: John Carter of Mars
Edition: Modiphius (2d20)
Players: 8 (full table, 2 crashers got in)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Power Level: Hyper-competent, like true ERB heroes
Rules Knowledge: Useful
Game Content: Mainstream
What starts as an expedition of commerce quickly devolves into a fight for survival in the unknown lands west of Bantoom where a new threat lurks, threatening all Barsoom!

Not my first choice because there's 8 players and that's always a bad sign, but the game is an 8 hour game, so I assumed I'd get enough screen time and I was right.

My main issue is with the GM. He didn't explain the system, dice mechanics, nor the world. So, I had to explain the dice mechanics to the people on either side of me, and the person next to me had to explain it to his neighbor. Several people still didn't understand the dice mechanics half way into the game, by the end, I think everybody finally figured it out. But yeah, this should have been explained at the very start.

The GM also had to continually look up the rules. Also when someone had a question, he'd get side tracked and would wait forever until the table talk quieted down before speaking. But since he took so long, side conversations would start up and then he'd wait again. So, the GM had no table control.

I actually enjoyed the system, one of the lightest 2d20 systems. And once we figured out the combinations for various actions (and wrote them down instead of asking the GM), things went quicker.

The adventure was as advertised and we had a good group of Players who made our own fun and numerous jokes while we waited for the GM.

A Place for Wellness
Friday Noon in 149 for 4 Hours
GM: Morgan Hua
Type: RPG
System: Cthulhu Dark
Players: 6 (A Zisch, V Garcia, 2 crashers got in, 4 no shows)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mature Themes
You will play various characters from movies such as Terminator, Halloween, Hellraiser, IT, Psycho, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. All are new patients in an insane asylum. Patients suffer from various persecution complexes, delusions, paranoia, and some have violent tendencies. When not playing a Patient, you will play as Doctors in charge of evaluating patients, recommending therapies, and administering outdated therapies to the patients. The asylum is modern and similar in tone to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This is a PvP game where the Patients are pitted against the Doctors and the system. This is a game about perceptions, observation, deception, and human cruelty. Remember: The Institute for Wellness is here for your safety and well-being. Patience is a virtue and a patient is only released when they're ready to face the world.

The game was designed for a full table, but I only had 4 Players, so it wasn't as good as an experience as I had hoped for.

D-Day 80th Anniversary
Saturday 2:00 PM in the Monterey Room for 2 hours
Presenter(s): Dana Lombardy
June 2024 will see the 80th anniversary of the huge Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe along the Normandy coast of France. Dana worked with acclaimed artist Keith Rocco to publish a comic and hardcover book based upon the two huge wall murals Rocco created for the First Division Museum. Hear the backstory of the murals and the books, PLUS help playtest Dana’s new solitaire and 2-player board game Bloody Omaha: The Big Red One at D-Day.

This was basically a waste of time. The Presenter basically did a sales pitch for a hardcover book, a comic book, and a related game for Omaha beach. He also pitched another book with cartoon versions of WW2 aircraft and a previously published card game.

He wasn't able to get the art for the Omaha boardgame from his artist in time, so there was no play test material, so the event ran for only 1 hour.

There was virtually no content about D-Day. The game was supposed to be an educational game, so if we were able to do the play test, I assume we would have learned something about Omaha beach.

I added my contact info to his mailing list which he promised to send info on the playtest material when it became available. So, not a total loss.

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Morgan's Raspy Raven Gumshoe Season 2 Adventure

The convention games ran from Jan 31 to Feb 12, 2024. I assume there was a cut-and-paste error on Warhorn, the convention title was Raspy Raven Gumshoe Season 2023, not 2024.

This is an interesting free online convention. 12 different GUMSHOE systems, each run by a different GM. None of the games overlap in time. Since there are limited seats, Players are strongly encouraged to only sign up for only one game, so other people can have a chance at playing. As of Feb 1, two games still had an open seat, so those open seats can have a Player who wanted to double dip.

The systems offered were: 13th Age, Da'Zoon, Fear Itself, GUMSHOE System, Night's Black Agents, SH/AM/US, Swords of the Serpentine, The Esoterrorists, The Fall of Delta Green, The Yellow King RPG, TimeWatch, Trail of Cthulhu

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Feb 3 (Sat), 11am-3pm (4 hrs)


System: Night's Black Agents
GM: PTroilus
4 Players: Jim McCarthy (Rufus - Hacker), Ian Stronach (Ashanti - Analyst), FermeLaBoucher [Simon] (Ren - Black Bagger), Morgan Hua (Jordan - Journalist/Cuckoo)

You all have your own reasons for looking into FOREVER. Maybe it was linked to your colleague, your handler, or your family disappearing. Maybe it was linked to the operation that got a half dozen of your teammates killed. Whatever it is, it also got you out or burned.

Your leads have all made a habit of disappearing, but this most recent one - a frantic, last-minute call for an extraction - looks like the most promising by far, if you can get him out in time.

In Night's Black Agents, you play modern-day highly competent burned or retired spies, working in the shadows to take down supernatural forces of darkness.

Pregenerated Characters will be provided. Newbie Friendly (to Night's Black Agents, Foundry, or both!). Age minimum 18.

Tone: Highly competent former spies in a paranoid mystery-thriller.

The scenario is pretty simple and works as an introductory scenario. We had 2 newbies, so that was fine.