Saturday, November 25, 2017
Musings on Murder Hoboing
I got into a very interesting discussion on FaceBook about D&D and murder hobos.
First let me explain what I mean by murder hoboing. I don't mean you just murder people randomly and take their stuff. You are a murder hobo not because you murder hobos, you are a hobo who murders. You travel from town to town, village to village, murdering things for hire and taking their stuff (treasure and magic items). When you are done, you move to the next town. You have no home. Your sole purpose is to kill things. When a village sees adventurers arrive, they send you off to the nearest dangerous place, a dungeon full of orcs, a cave with a sleeping dragon, or whatever might be threat to the town because they know adventurers will destroy their town without entertainment and so point the way to adventure, hoping the murder hobos either get killed or eliminate the threat. A win-win situation. D&D when I played it in the 1970s was murder hoboing.
In the 1970s there were no boardgames other than S&T magazines with historical military wargame simulations, so we did random dungeon crawls which is now replaced with computer gaming like Dragon Age and boardgames like Gloomhaven and Kingdom Death: Monster (KDM). I rarely play video games anymore and after years of not playing them, I was convinced to play Dragon Age and I thoroughly enjoyed it and that has been the last video game I've played as of the writing of this blog post. But the game design behind all of these games is murder hoboing, tactical simulation of combat and getting stuff. It becomes a cycle of murder, taking stuff, leveling up, murder, taking stuff, murder more powerful opponents, etc. It just isn't very interesting to me. How these new boardgames keep your interest is by slowly revealing the world, the character abilities, magical items, and new monsters. They do this to keep it fresh otherwise, it'll be like mashing an attack button on a video game and you'll get bored, but underneath all of this is just a combat simulator.
Class abilities, spells, and items all lean toward combat and large area damage. Also increasing Hit Points (HPs - notice they call it Hit Points, not Health, emphasizing how many hits from a weapon you can take) as you level up makes surviving combat easier and easier, thus the escalating spiral of challenges of fighting meaner and meaner monsters.The system/ruleset focus is combat. When I was in my teens, a random dungeon encounter was all I wanted and what my friends wanted. My high school buddies used the Gods, Demigods, & Heroes book as a menu for collecting artifacts - by hunting down and killing Gods and taking their stuff. I built killer dungeons (closets of random overkill) and players brought 485th level Storm Giants, Blackhole blades, A Deck of Many Things with infinite queen of spades, etc. Very Monty Haul (a play on Monty Hall from Let's Make a Deal, where you look behind curtains and boxes to find prizes or Zoinks) and I handed out very ridiculous stuff too and took no mercy in murdering the hell out of any mistake they made. Those were good times and fun for what they were.
We never gave out Experience Points (XP) for Gold Pieces (GP) because we thought it was double-dipping because the more powerful monsters always had more gold and you used gold to buy equipment and magical scrolls, potions, weapons, and armor to better kill things. Daniel N, mentioned that they did award XP for GP, so there was an incentive to steal the dragon's treasure instead of trying to kill it. Now that he has brought this up, the possibility of just stealing the GP without combat and leveling up, a big Aha! lightbulb went off in my head - 40 years too late. We never realized that was an option. We'd rather double-dip, getting XP for slaying the dragon and taking the treasure. Thieves were useful for their trap disabling and backstabbing ability. Hiding in Shadows was for Backstabbing, not for just stealing treasure.
Murder hobos are generally not generic humans as most players pick something unique like a dwarf cleric, a half-orc barbarian, an elf mage, a hobbit assassin. So, the party is always a weird ragtag team of misfits.
In most worlds, murder hobos don't blend into the natural order of things. Rarely is there free travel and most natives, if it is an agricultural society, stay in their local area, so most communities are homogeneous villages (unless it's a big port city), so a ragtag band of misfits carrying weapons, wearing dented armor, 10' poles, large coils of 50' rope, lanterns, multiple flasks of oil, huge bedrolls, overstuffed backpacks, mules, etc, really stick out as outsiders. They're easily spotted as adventurers. See 13 dwarves, 1 hobbit, and wizard go to human village for a beer, hmm? Adventurers? See a dwarf, an elf, two human fighters, a mage, and a couple of hobbits go to an elven forest. Hmm? Adventurers? See a human with a cart of goods drawn by horses with a sign on the cart saying, "Tidwells Tinkerer and Snake Oil for your Ailments." Hmm. Merchant?
The motley crew of Player Characters (PCs) stick out like a sore thumb and if a town had a sheriff, they should be chased out of town instead of being revered like the Seven Samurai. They should immediately seen as murder hobos and trouble makers. And if the murder hobos didn't kill the sleeping dragon, it's going to wake up and set your village on fire. If the murder hobos didn't commit genocide by murdering every Orc in their underground cave complex and just murdered a few Orcs and stole their offerings (treasure) from their holy shrine (more treasure) and blasphemed their god by trampling over everything, a horde of angry Orcs will spew forth and wreak vengeance upon your poor human town (after the murder hobos have moved on, after a drunken celebration).
After 40 years, game development has evolved and dungeons are more organic and not random static closets full of monsters and treasure. KDM, though a boardgame and not a RPG, has embodied the newer philosophy of dungeon design where things are organic. You prepare for the big bad battle at the end throughout the year by making armor, weapons, and equipment from the parts of previously defeated creatures. You level up your village with skill trees. You have generational stories much like King Arthur Pendragon. Monster combat uses a card-based AI, so it's a GM-less game. Descriptive text give more of a unique storytelling favor to combat vs a generic, you take 3 HPs damage. So, RPGs have evolved and dungeons have become more realistic, but at the core, it's still murder hoboing.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Morgan's AetherCon 2017 Adventures
Somehow, this blog post is about what happens when players don't show up and when players do show up.
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Camp Sunny
System: Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed
Date/Time: Nov 10, 11am
Duration: 5 hrs
GM: Todd Gardiner
Players: 4 (of 6)
You and your friends are taking an impromptu off-season vacation from college and booked a couple of cabins in the Great Lakes. This will be just the thing to combat the stress of coursework and relax! A few days in the wilds full of peace and fun. With college far behind, what's there to worry about? Set in Modern Day (1980's). Pre-gen characters provided. Camp Sunny is an official 2017 Chaosium Convention Scenario written by Paul Fricker with Mike Mason.The PCs were interesting in that there was an interconnected web of relationships between all the PCs, but unfortunately, we only had 4 of 6 players, so 2 were left out, the 2 PCs that I had the most connections with. My character thought the other PCs were losers and I acted accordingly.
I thought this scenario was a bit odd. Even though at the end one PC got captured, one went insane, and two escaped, we had an inkling of what was going on, but not the whole picture. At the end, the GM told us what was going on and how the clues hooked into each other. I think there was no way to figure out the whole story.
The PC got captured because the player left the game and the GM forced events on the PC as leverage on the other PCs which is a valid technique to increase tension in the game.
I did enjoy the role playing, but the whole scenario left a bad impression on me, I would not run this scenario myself as I didn't find it that enjoyable.
It was clear at the beginning that the camp owners were Deep Ones and after PCs were comparing notes with each other we knew they were trying to seduce the PCs for some reason and some glamour made the corresponding Deep One of the opposite sex seem alluring, whereas the one of the same sex seemed repulsive. But the pre-gen PCs had no Mythos experience, so we role played as such.
There was a guy who was insane who was looking for a wife that didn't exist. We did find evidence that a woman who he claimed to be his wife was present at the camp, who I saw dancing in the club house with a guy wearing an elder sign ring, but when I went to investigate, the people, lights, and music vanished.
An acid eaten severed hand with elder sign ring found under a rusty sand pail and the dancing people who disappeared were a complete mystery to us. And we weren't going to poke in a half-filled, algae-over grown pool. After the game, the GM told us the hand, which was pooped out by a Shoggoth, was protected by the elder sign ring - yes the players knew out of game what the ring was, but not the PCs in game. We thought the people were ghosts because they disappeared so fast, but was told it was the Shoggoth impersonating people and it had disappeared down the drain. And the Shoggoth lived in the swimming pool.
We also found some old whisky and beers in the club house basement and there was a lot of decay throughout the premises, so we thought there was some time distortion going on.
In the end, we confronted the two camp owners and they called the Shoggoth to attack us. We killed one of the Deep Ones before escaping. One PC (who turned NPC because he dropped out of the game), got seduced and impregnated by the male Deep One, was captured by the Shoggoth to be returned as breeding stock, as the rest of us escaped. One other PC went insane and ran off into the woods.
Overall, I felt the pacing was very slow in this game as there wasn't much to find as we explored a majority of the camp. We didn't figure out the Shoggoth connection even when it showed up. The severed hand and dancing figures was a mystery to us until the GM explained what had happened.
The seduction, rape by magic, aspect of this scenario was a bit offputting to me. This plus the slow pacing and unsolvable mystery, just made this scenario something I wouldn't want to run.
The most interesting part of the game was the interactions between the PCs.
It was clear at the beginning that the camp owners were Deep Ones and after PCs were comparing notes with each other we knew they were trying to seduce the PCs for some reason and some glamour made the corresponding Deep One of the opposite sex seem alluring, whereas the one of the same sex seemed repulsive. But the pre-gen PCs had no Mythos experience, so we role played as such.
There was a guy who was insane who was looking for a wife that didn't exist. We did find evidence that a woman who he claimed to be his wife was present at the camp, who I saw dancing in the club house with a guy wearing an elder sign ring, but when I went to investigate, the people, lights, and music vanished.
An acid eaten severed hand with elder sign ring found under a rusty sand pail and the dancing people who disappeared were a complete mystery to us. And we weren't going to poke in a half-filled, algae-over grown pool. After the game, the GM told us the hand, which was pooped out by a Shoggoth, was protected by the elder sign ring - yes the players knew out of game what the ring was, but not the PCs in game. We thought the people were ghosts because they disappeared so fast, but was told it was the Shoggoth impersonating people and it had disappeared down the drain. And the Shoggoth lived in the swimming pool.
We also found some old whisky and beers in the club house basement and there was a lot of decay throughout the premises, so we thought there was some time distortion going on.
In the end, we confronted the two camp owners and they called the Shoggoth to attack us. We killed one of the Deep Ones before escaping. One PC (who turned NPC because he dropped out of the game), got seduced and impregnated by the male Deep One, was captured by the Shoggoth to be returned as breeding stock, as the rest of us escaped. One other PC went insane and ran off into the woods.
Overall, I felt the pacing was very slow in this game as there wasn't much to find as we explored a majority of the camp. We didn't figure out the Shoggoth connection even when it showed up. The severed hand and dancing figures was a mystery to us until the GM explained what had happened.
The seduction, rape by magic, aspect of this scenario was a bit offputting to me. This plus the slow pacing and unsolvable mystery, just made this scenario something I wouldn't want to run.
The most interesting part of the game was the interactions between the PCs.
Blythburgh, A Town of Darkness
System: White Wolf World of Darkness
Date/Time: Nov 11, 9am
Duration: 5 hrs
GM: Richard Chabrier
Players: 3 (of 6)
On a trip to the coast, six summer vacationing youth take a wrong turn and enter a small town where no one seems to be under the age of fifty. The oddity doesn't stop there as after stopping for gas and directions, the van won't start. Forced to stay until repairs can be done isn't too bad but the town just keeps getting creepier... This game is a survival horror. Players beware: This is not a loot or hack and slash adventure. Be prepared to role-play and solve problems. Stupid decisions and bad responses can/will get your character/team killed.There's something to be said for designing a scenario that allows you to drop PCs when not enough players show up. In the previous game, Camp Sunny, PCs that weren't being played were dropped from the game which made GMing easier, but the experience for the PCs became weaker as relationships between PCs weren't being played out. In this game, the GM ran all of the PCs as NPCs and he did it expertly. And again there was a complex relationship web.
This was a good game, it's just a shame that we had only 3 players and the GM ran the other 3 PCs as NPCs. The other issue was that we used roll20 for dice rolls and it was cumbersome because you had to click on your attribute and skill before rolling and there were issues with clicking and scrolling, and scrolling, and clicking, and wrong things being selected, etc. It would have been easier to just roll a handful of d10s. The roll20 character sheets we used for rolling were very cumbersome and would have been better with just two dropdown boxes to select an attribute and a skill and a roll button. The clunkiness broke the flow of the game.
The 6 PCs were well fleshed out and interesting to play. Though the scenario wasn't that complex, the solution the PCs had to come up with was difficult and I enjoyed that.
The PCs had really deep back stories and the GM took us aside to a private chat room to explain our character secrets. The funny part was that none of these secrets really mattered if the other players knew about it, so it would have been ok if it was discussed in public. After the game, we compared notes and discovered some cool stuff about the other PCs that were rarely touched upon during play.
When we arrived in town, we were struck by the completely backwards town and a large angel statue with candles surrounding it. Some old leather-bound book was clutched in its hands.
We found an old large church with old gravestones and no current burials. The inn we were sent to was also very old and the last visitor was 15 years ago, the mother of one of the PCs (who we learned deliberately came to this town in search of her, oh, that must have been one of those secrets). The inn was filled with secret corridors and a murder basement.
Did I mention everyone in this town was old? Well, we only met two residents, the garage mechanic and inn keeper, so we didn't know until the end, except for the spoiler in the game description.
One of the PC/NPCs got kidnapped and as we searched for her, three men came into the inn to ambush us. We beat them up. And they weren't old.
We then noticed a group of townies with lights were approaching us, so we went back to the garage and found our kidnapped friend tied to the angel with ropes, chains, and barbed wire. Her blood was being absorbed by the angel.
Eventually, we found out the Angel, Book, and Candles had to be taken care of in order to break the spell that kept the residents alive. The sacrifice of our friend had reversed the aging of the townies and they wanted to sacrifice us too.
The candles protected the angel and book. So, once the candles were blown out, we could damage both the angel and book. Smashing the angel re-aged the townies as they swarmed us, and finally burning the book, turned them all to dust.
The PCs had really deep back stories and the GM took us aside to a private chat room to explain our character secrets. The funny part was that none of these secrets really mattered if the other players knew about it, so it would have been ok if it was discussed in public. After the game, we compared notes and discovered some cool stuff about the other PCs that were rarely touched upon during play.
When we arrived in town, we were struck by the completely backwards town and a large angel statue with candles surrounding it. Some old leather-bound book was clutched in its hands.
We found an old large church with old gravestones and no current burials. The inn we were sent to was also very old and the last visitor was 15 years ago, the mother of one of the PCs (who we learned deliberately came to this town in search of her, oh, that must have been one of those secrets). The inn was filled with secret corridors and a murder basement.
Did I mention everyone in this town was old? Well, we only met two residents, the garage mechanic and inn keeper, so we didn't know until the end, except for the spoiler in the game description.
One of the PC/NPCs got kidnapped and as we searched for her, three men came into the inn to ambush us. We beat them up. And they weren't old.
We then noticed a group of townies with lights were approaching us, so we went back to the garage and found our kidnapped friend tied to the angel with ropes, chains, and barbed wire. Her blood was being absorbed by the angel.
Eventually, we found out the Angel, Book, and Candles had to be taken care of in order to break the spell that kept the residents alive. The sacrifice of our friend had reversed the aging of the townies and they wanted to sacrifice us too.
The candles protected the angel and book. So, once the candles were blown out, we could damage both the angel and book. Smashing the angel re-aged the townies as they swarmed us, and finally burning the book, turned them all to dust.
Ladybug, Ladybug Fly Away Home
System: Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed
Date/Time: Nov 12, 6am
Duration: 5 hrs
GM: James Adley
Players: 5 (of 6)
"Police are searching for a young girl who was abducted from a local department store earlier this afternoon. Witnesses describe a 'horrific scene' at the store, reporting that one of the abductors apparently committed suicide inside the store instead of allowing the police to apprehend him. The mother attempted to fight off the attacker, receiving only minor injuries, but he was able to deliver the child to a waiting accomplice outside the store who made of with the child. The police have not yet released the name of the family or any information on the kidnapping, but we will keep you updated as the story progresses. Next up is the weather, after this commercial break." - WKYC Morning Broadcast, November 9, 2017 This will be a modern scenario using Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. Imagine this like an episode of Criminal Minds. A small, elite team of investigators working for the FBI has been asked to help with to resolve a kidnapping. Feel free to roll up your own investigator, but please choose a career that would align with the scenario (field agent, psychologist, forensics expert, etc.Sometimes when all the players show up, you wished maybe someone didn't. In this game one player said she had gamed two days straight without sleep and spoke a mile a minute and in a stream of consciousness, full of non-sequiturs, and odd asides to people in her physical room, but not in our virtual gaming room, and with no wish to mute her microphone. She also claimed she was signed up for another game after ours. Really? And that in one of her previous sessions, no one showed up. Hmmm. I wonder? Did they sneak off to some other room?
That said, this was a great game. Even afterwards, we didn't know if we did the right thing.
We're all FBI agents with no Mythos knowledge. A girl gets kidnapped and all indications is that it's some crazy ATF agent who kills himself at the kidnap scene. Of course, in a meta sense, we figure it's a rogue Delta Green operative trying to solve some Mythos problem, but we pretend it ain't.
I picked being the special agent in charge because I've seen games where the whole thing falls apart when strangers meet to play online at a convention. Also, you get to send problem players away or into dangerous situations. :-)
There's a ticking clock because the girl doesn't have her steroids that keep her breathing. She has a week to live if she doesn't get her medication.
As part of the clue trail, James Alday made a website for the game (and made it available for general use):
Church of the Passover Angel
It is freaking cool. It looks a bit odd and strange out of context, but it contains clues about the cult the missing girl belongs to. There are indications they're extremists, but also that they have knowledge of elder signs, so you're not sure if they're good or bad. And the cult talks about protection and passover when the Passover Angel arrives.
Through our investigation, we find that the ATF agent's niece had tried to take the girl away from her parents before, two years ago, but she was returned. We also find the niece was working with the dead ATF agent. Two years ago and now, the Stars were Right again.
We also find that there's a countdown of localized plagues of Egypt action going on and the last plague is the death of the first born.
We actually track down the niece all the way to a motel with the little girl and try to talk her into giving herself up, but she refuses and it all goes to gun play where the talkative FBI agent takes a shotgun blast to her chest and goes down (-3 HP even with Kevlar). Even though she was unconscious and bleeding out, she kept on talking. An amazing feat. The other agent with her drags her body out to do First Aid, and the niece closes and barricades the door again.
Another PC and I tried to knockdown the door, but fail several times, and the niece tells us she'll kill the girl and herself. Desperate, we try to knock the door down again, and fail. Gunshot. Fail to open the door again. Another gunshot. Yep, it was all over, a murder-suicide. We found the niece had put furniture against the door and actually put sheet metal over the motel room window.
Even with the little girl dead, the plagues continued, but only in a localized form. After talking to the GM, we found out if we returned the girl, the plagues would actually be across the whole USA, so in effect, the murder-suicide was the best solution. Only in CoC, would a murder-suicide be a best solution.
As I signed off the game, that other player was still talking.
We're all FBI agents with no Mythos knowledge. A girl gets kidnapped and all indications is that it's some crazy ATF agent who kills himself at the kidnap scene. Of course, in a meta sense, we figure it's a rogue Delta Green operative trying to solve some Mythos problem, but we pretend it ain't.
I picked being the special agent in charge because I've seen games where the whole thing falls apart when strangers meet to play online at a convention. Also, you get to send problem players away or into dangerous situations. :-)
There's a ticking clock because the girl doesn't have her steroids that keep her breathing. She has a week to live if she doesn't get her medication.
As part of the clue trail, James Alday made a website for the game (and made it available for general use):
Church of the Passover Angel
It is freaking cool. It looks a bit odd and strange out of context, but it contains clues about the cult the missing girl belongs to. There are indications they're extremists, but also that they have knowledge of elder signs, so you're not sure if they're good or bad. And the cult talks about protection and passover when the Passover Angel arrives.
Through our investigation, we find that the ATF agent's niece had tried to take the girl away from her parents before, two years ago, but she was returned. We also find the niece was working with the dead ATF agent. Two years ago and now, the Stars were Right again.
We also find that there's a countdown of localized plagues of Egypt action going on and the last plague is the death of the first born.
We actually track down the niece all the way to a motel with the little girl and try to talk her into giving herself up, but she refuses and it all goes to gun play where the talkative FBI agent takes a shotgun blast to her chest and goes down (-3 HP even with Kevlar). Even though she was unconscious and bleeding out, she kept on talking. An amazing feat. The other agent with her drags her body out to do First Aid, and the niece closes and barricades the door again.
Another PC and I tried to knockdown the door, but fail several times, and the niece tells us she'll kill the girl and herself. Desperate, we try to knock the door down again, and fail. Gunshot. Fail to open the door again. Another gunshot. Yep, it was all over, a murder-suicide. We found the niece had put furniture against the door and actually put sheet metal over the motel room window.
Even with the little girl dead, the plagues continued, but only in a localized form. After talking to the GM, we found out if we returned the girl, the plagues would actually be across the whole USA, so in effect, the murder-suicide was the best solution. Only in CoC, would a murder-suicide be a best solution.
As I signed off the game, that other player was still talking.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Call of Cthulhu - Thoughts on Verbal Spell Casting / Rituals
How does a Call of Cthulhu ritual really work? If for instance an Investigator finds an old tome with a spell in it, how does he correctly pronounce the words? And if correct pronunciation is required for the spell to be correctly cast, how do you know the correct pronunciation? Trial and error?
For instance here's some varied readings of: "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
So how in the heck would you know how to pronounce this if you just pick up a tome with this phrase? And if this book is written in Latin, Ancient Greek, Phoenician, or Aramaic, is the phrase written phonetically? Do you use that language's intonation?
If you're trying to summon Cthulhu, I assume calling him by the right name is important. Can you imagine calling some powerful godlike being by the wrong name? "Hello, I'm trying to reach Cat-hoo-loo, I mean, Ka-hu-hu, um, Khlûl'-hloo?" Can you imagine how pissed Cthulhu would be?
Does the creature just show up out of curiosity? Not because the ritual worked, but because there's a disturbance in the time-space continuum and he's curious or pissed off at being called the wrong name?
In one game, I thought it would be a cool to have a spell book written by the Serpent Men of Valusia, but the spell caster would have to have a bifurcated tongue in order to pronounce the spells properly. So, a cultist or Investigator would have to bifurcate their tongue in order to cast a spell from the book. Imagine if you had to do body modifications in order to cast spells.
But if correct pronunciation is required for casting spells, Investigators will never cast a spell successfully. And if saving the world hinges on the successful first cast of ritual, the Investigators will always fail. So, is intention only required? Is positive thinking only required? Positive thinking, mispronunciation, and a sacrifice of POW or Magic Points only needed? If mispronunciation is ok, then can a cultist just chant some nonsense or a sing pop song and it would work? Then why even write these unpronounceable words down in the spell book?
Anyway, some food for thought.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Morgan's VirtuaCon 17 Adventures
VirtuaCon is a free online convention. Amazingly, there's a lot of Cthulhu games being run over three days.
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10/6/2016, Friday 11am
Game Duration: 4 hours
Adventure: The Keepers of the Woods
Game: Trail of CthulhuGame Master: Freddie Foulds
Genre: Investigative Horror
Brief: An unexpected letter invites members of the Miscellany Society from the safety of bustling London to the isolated village of Postbridge, Dartmoor.
Experience: Some experience needed
Pre Gens: Pregenerated Characters Provided
Run on: Google Hangouts
Maturity: 18+ Only
Seats Available: 4
January 1935 - The arrival of a letter from your friend and fellow member of the Miscellany Society, Professor Margaret Blackwood, invites you out to shadowed Dartmoor. The Professor believes that she has discovered a career defining find, and something that is of great interest to the Society members - a group who actively worship an ancient god nestled in the heart of the secluded village of Postbridge...
This was a contest winning scenario run by the writer. We had a good table of players and I really enjoyed this scenario. The game ended in a TPK.
The Mossy Man (Huntsman) and his Hunting Hounds were part of the local legends.
We found a stretch of road where our friend had died and it began to look like her auto accident was staged to cover up her murder. We also almost had an accident in the same stretch of road, either due to Hairy Hands or a badly graded dip in the road.
We started to find out that the Church and a portion of the townspeople were involved in a cult that was either binding something or keeping something out. The ritual area was bounded by lay lines.
Every 27 years or so, a sacrifice of 3 people were required to refresh the binding. Headstones in the Church cemetary supported this.
We found a book in the Church safe and one of the players read the book and learned the ritual and counter ritual.
The PC convinced us that we should do the counter ritual. At this point, I, as a player, suspected this was the wrong thing, but my PC had no clue, so went along with the counter ritual.
After a climatic battle against the cult and casting the counter ritual, we released the Huntsman and the Hunt TPKed the party and the surrounding counties.
Overall, I really enjoyed the investigation and the ties into old and urban legends. I was familiar with both the Wild Hunt and the urban legend of Dartmoor's Hairy Hands, so it was cool to see this tied into a scenario.
The Mossy Man (Huntsman) and his Hunting Hounds were part of the local legends.
We found a stretch of road where our friend had died and it began to look like her auto accident was staged to cover up her murder. We also almost had an accident in the same stretch of road, either due to Hairy Hands or a badly graded dip in the road.
We started to find out that the Church and a portion of the townspeople were involved in a cult that was either binding something or keeping something out. The ritual area was bounded by lay lines.
Every 27 years or so, a sacrifice of 3 people were required to refresh the binding. Headstones in the Church cemetary supported this.
We found a book in the Church safe and one of the players read the book and learned the ritual and counter ritual.
The PC convinced us that we should do the counter ritual. At this point, I, as a player, suspected this was the wrong thing, but my PC had no clue, so went along with the counter ritual.
After a climatic battle against the cult and casting the counter ritual, we released the Huntsman and the Hunt TPKed the party and the surrounding counties.
Overall, I really enjoyed the investigation and the ties into old and urban legends. I was familiar with both the Wild Hunt and the urban legend of Dartmoor's Hairy Hands, so it was cool to see this tied into a scenario.

10/7/2017, Sat 11am
Game Duration: 4 hoursAdventure: Dark Alley Deals
Game System: Yellow King RPG
Game Master: Jon Hook
Genre: Investigative Horror
Brief: Paris, 1895, is the cultural center of the world. Artists are drawn to this city, like moths to the flame. As young students of the arts, you are having the time of your life. Of course, not everyone in Paris is as fortunate as you. The beggars and urchins fill the alleys and gutters, but they aren't so bad. But, ever since a strange play has become popular, some of the tramps seem to acting... odd. You're sure it's nothing, but still... you can't help but wonder who that dark stranger in the shadows at the back of the alley is.
Experience: None Required (Rules Taught as needed)
Pre Gens: Pregenerated Characters Provided
Maturity: 18+ Only - due to mature and disturbing subject matter
Seats Available: 6
Dark Alley Deals is a scenario written by Jon Hook for the soon-to-be published Yellow King RPG. This game uses the Gumshoe engine by Pelgrane Press.
So, I was curious as to how Jon Hook would run this new system.
I enjoyed the game, but the table seemed very crowded with 6 players. In the play test, we only had 3 players. One of the PC hooks is "I rely on" and "I seek to protect" where you pick another PC. The funny thing is that in both this game and in the play test, nobody has filled this out.
But "That Damn Peculiar Business," a PC hook into the scenario is a wonderful innovation and both this game and in the play test, we used it to great effect.
I found the shocks and injuries more interesting than the ToC lack luster combat system, but finding the cards (out of possibly 100s) and handing them out are still a bit fiddly and interrupts the flow of the game. If you PC has 3 shocks or 3 injuries, your character is either insane or dead.
For me the jury is still out on YKRPG. There are things I like and things that I don't.
In this game, we mainly ran into evidence of the Thin Man affecting human affairs. In the end, only one PC survived, one went insane, and the rest were lost in Carcosa.
I enjoyed this game, but found the table too crowded.
We found a baker puting a strange cheese into unsalted bread and handing them out to the homeless. The homeless were mutating into odd toothy sewer dwellers.
After exploring the sewers under Paris and encountering a rabble of mutated homeless, we found the Thin Man was responsible. Salt had an effect on the "cheese" and the mutated homeless.
Two PCs had decided to distract a rabble of homeless and were invited to speak to the Thin Man, afterwards the PCs were lost in Carcosa.
In the end, the rest of the PCs confronted the Thin Man. Due to how the game resolution system worked, one PC returned home alive and well (success), another returned home but insane (success but too many shocks), and the other two PCs were lost in Carcosa (failures).
We found a baker puting a strange cheese into unsalted bread and handing them out to the homeless. The homeless were mutating into odd toothy sewer dwellers.
After exploring the sewers under Paris and encountering a rabble of mutated homeless, we found the Thin Man was responsible. Salt had an effect on the "cheese" and the mutated homeless.
Two PCs had decided to distract a rabble of homeless and were invited to speak to the Thin Man, afterwards the PCs were lost in Carcosa.
In the end, the rest of the PCs confronted the Thin Man. Due to how the game resolution system worked, one PC returned home alive and well (success), another returned home but insane (success but too many shocks), and the other two PCs were lost in Carcosa (failures).
Monday, July 24, 2017
3d6 Con 2017 at EndGame
3d6 Con is EndGame's mini-con where 6 tables of various RPGs are being played. A single day where you can play in one game from 11am-6pm.
You must pick 3 games to play in, in order of preference and a shuffler will put you in one of your three choices.
I got into Jack Young's The Esoteric Order of Dagon vs. Innsmouth Longshoreman & Warehouse Union (Local 22).
I also wanted to try out Matt Steele's Numenera game, but all the games were run simultaneously, so you only get to play in one.
Jack gave us the warning that this game was supposed to be more humorous than dark, and it was. I had a lot of fun and the other players brought their brand of wild and crazy. There were a lot of fish jokes. This game was what Jack called One Roll Engine - Light, which I renamed to Light One Roll Engine (LORE). The game was very pulpy.
You must pick 3 games to play in, in order of preference and a shuffler will put you in one of your three choices.
I got into Jack Young's The Esoteric Order of Dagon vs. Innsmouth Longshoreman & Warehouse Union (Local 22).
I also wanted to try out Matt Steele's Numenera game, but all the games were run simultaneously, so you only get to play in one.
Jack gave us the warning that this game was supposed to be more humorous than dark, and it was. I had a lot of fun and the other players brought their brand of wild and crazy. There were a lot of fish jokes. This game was what Jack called One Roll Engine - Light, which I renamed to Light One Roll Engine (LORE). The game was very pulpy.
All the characters worked at the local cannery and belonged to Local Union 22.
Here's my character:
The other characters were very human though. I got the special one. And everyone in town loved Marlin, he was the town boy who made good.
The game started in the only pub in town, The Black Fish, with all the characters drinking during the prohibition and having a good time. Of course, members of The Esoteric Order of Dagon show up and have to ruin our evening. They wear ragged and threadbare robes like poor jedi. Of course they start a bar fight with us, so we proceed to wipe the floor with them.
Then we have a scene shift and we fill out a questionnaire for a couple of mooks.
We jump back in time 30 mins and are given a task of kidnapping a virgin sacrifice from The Black Fish during the fight in the pub proper. We enter the back kitchen and face the owner / cook (played by Samuel L. Jackson) and his wife. My character, Blub Blub, actually succeeded in kidnapping Maria, the Pub owner's daughter and got away. All but one of the other cultists died horribly at the hands of the kitchen staff. That one cultist surrendered.
Jack had a stamp that made a very satisfying sound when used:
We then switched back to our other PCs and we questioned the survivor and found out that they were going to get an ancient straight razor from the Innsmouth Historical Society and Library and use it to sacrifice their victim at an undisclosed ritual location.
So, we rush to the museum and wind up fighting off an extra-dimensional squid (actually just 2 giant tentacles), and get the straight razor first. Hidden inside the razor is a map to the ritual location.
We get a cut scene where the leader of the Order of Dagon (who is always under lit) cackles evilly and promotes Blub Blub for kidnapping Maria (and Blub Blub levels up.) :-)
The PCs then infiltrate the ritual location, a Goonie-like pirate ship, inside a hidden grotto and after much fighting, we rescue Maria and defeat The Esoteric Order of Dagon (before they summon Dagon).
My much beloved and super lucky mook Blub Blub wound up being a meat shield for Marlin and got melted into a puddle of goo by his exalted Leader of Dagon - death by friendly fire.
Finally, there was much rejoicing as Dagon and Mother Hydra continue to party the night away in the dark deep depths of the sea, still awaiting to be summoned.
All the characters worked at the local cannery and belonged to Local Union 22.
Here's my character:
The other characters were very human though. I got the special one. And everyone in town loved Marlin, he was the town boy who made good.
The game started in the only pub in town, The Black Fish, with all the characters drinking during the prohibition and having a good time. Of course, members of The Esoteric Order of Dagon show up and have to ruin our evening. They wear ragged and threadbare robes like poor jedi. Of course they start a bar fight with us, so we proceed to wipe the floor with them.
Then we have a scene shift and we fill out a questionnaire for a couple of mooks.
We jump back in time 30 mins and are given a task of kidnapping a virgin sacrifice from The Black Fish during the fight in the pub proper. We enter the back kitchen and face the owner / cook (played by Samuel L. Jackson) and his wife. My character, Blub Blub, actually succeeded in kidnapping Maria, the Pub owner's daughter and got away. All but one of the other cultists died horribly at the hands of the kitchen staff. That one cultist surrendered.
Jack had a stamp that made a very satisfying sound when used:
We then switched back to our other PCs and we questioned the survivor and found out that they were going to get an ancient straight razor from the Innsmouth Historical Society and Library and use it to sacrifice their victim at an undisclosed ritual location.
So, we rush to the museum and wind up fighting off an extra-dimensional squid (actually just 2 giant tentacles), and get the straight razor first. Hidden inside the razor is a map to the ritual location.
We get a cut scene where the leader of the Order of Dagon (who is always under lit) cackles evilly and promotes Blub Blub for kidnapping Maria (and Blub Blub levels up.) :-)
The PCs then infiltrate the ritual location, a Goonie-like pirate ship, inside a hidden grotto and after much fighting, we rescue Maria and defeat The Esoteric Order of Dagon (before they summon Dagon).
My much beloved and super lucky mook Blub Blub wound up being a meat shield for Marlin and got melted into a puddle of goo by his exalted Leader of Dagon - death by friendly fire.
Finally, there was much rejoicing as Dagon and Mother Hydra continue to party the night away in the dark deep depths of the sea, still awaiting to be summoned.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Conan 2d20 at Free RPG Day 2017
I was curious about the the Conan RPG because I was actually actually more interested in the new Star Trek Adventures RPG and both games uses the 2d20 system.
I only had about 1-1/2 hours, so I watched part of the game and the GM let me decide what some NPCs did, which was cool.
I really liked the system. I noticed that the Conan Attributes were more combat oriented vs Star Trek's.
- Conan: Agility, Awareness, Brawn, Coordination, Intelligence, Personality, Willpower.
- Star Trek: Bravery, Control, Empathy, Presence, Reason, Resilience.
It is a roll 2d20 and roll low system. If you hit your skill number (something like 7 to 14) or below, you get a success. If the die roll is below your focus number (something like 1 to 3), you gain another success for 2 successes possible for each d20 rolled, for a normal maximum of 4 successes on a skill check. The number of successes needed is up to the GM, but Average tasks take 1 success and Epic tasks take 5 successes. So, how do you get extra successes? You can spend Momentum points to get extra d20s or spend Fortune points for automatic 1's, but you max out at 5d20. Momentum points are gained through extra successes you didn't spend and either kept for yourself or thrown into a party pool for other PCs to use.
The GM has Doom points to influence the game play as most of the rules are in favor of the PCs.For example:
- PCs always goes before the GM's NPCs - unless the GM spends a Doom point.
- Ties in combat go to the Player - unless the GM spends a Doom point.
- PC wants an extra d20? But there's no Momentum points around and doesn't want to spend a Fortune point? Give the GM a Doom point and roll an extra d20.
At the start, the GM gets 3 Doom points for each PC and each PC gets 3 Fortune points.
1 = 1 pt harmAn example is the Barbarian PC has a Vicious weapon, so each Effect result = +1 pt harm. So, if he rolls a 1 and two 6s, that's 3 pts of harm + 2 Effects = 5 pts harm and since he had the Talent Blood on Steel, he can spend 1 Momentum to increase the Effect to +2 harm, so the total harm would become 7. (The weapon actually does 6 damage dice, but I simplified it in the example to 3 dice).
2 = 2 pt harm
3 or 4 = 0 harm
5 or 6 = 1 pt harm + 1 Effect.
Each 5 harm = 1 wound, 5 wounds and a PC is dead. NPCs can take 1 wound or more before dropping, depending on whether they're a mook or not.
So, the game was crunchy and flexible enough for various tactics. Also during play, one player wanted to have the ship tilted towards the bad guys and he wanted to roll a barrel towards them. He paid a Fortune point to change the tilt of the ship just as he pushed the barrel. Very epic.
After 1-1/2 hours, the PCs were still on the boat fighting pirates. I took a look at the scenario The Pit of Kutallu, The players were still on the first scene of multiple scenes, so I suspect they won't finish the scenario after 4 hrs of play.
What I liked about the system is that it codifies what the GM can do on the story level with Doom points and it also allows PCs to influence the scene with Fortune points. Since the world of Conan is about Barbarians and Thieves and Sorcery, I found the combat oriented system appropriate. There's enough crunch in the combat to make it varied and interesting and there's enough rules to allow a player to acrobatically leap past armed slavers to rescue a girl.
Momentum follows the ebb and flow of action in a scene and Doom allows the GM to add tension and complicate a scene.
There's much to like in the system. Hopefully, this carries through to the Star Trek Adventures system.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Occult Book Dealers of Arkham - for Monophobia's Vengence from Beyond
I ran the three one-on-one Call of Cthulhu (CoC 6th) scenarios Monophobia from The three (free) scenarios are excellent and hard to survive, but challenging for an experienced player of CoC.
In one scenario, "Vengeance from Beyond," the Investigator is sent to various occult book dealers and it is left to the GM to invent them. I didn't want to have just a number of standard book dealers, so I decided to make up contacts with more of a Lovecraftian flavor to them.
Here is the list I gave to an Investigator (plus their phone numbers):
Rare book dealers of the occult:
John Cranshaw
Mathilda Mathers
Bishop Telling
Headly Markus
Harry Topus
Some of these people would only meet after being reassured that the inquiry is legit such as having a recommendation from a customer in good standing.
Below are their in-depth descriptions:
John Cranshaw: He doesn't have a store front, but will meet prospective customers only in a public place at a set time. He offers to meet the Investigator in Arkham Central Park at a bench near a specific statue at noon. At the last stroke of noon, ringing from a nearby watch tower, he will mysteriously appear (when the Investigator has looked away or blinked) and will speak to the investigator. Afterwards, he will also mysteriously disappear.
Mathilda Mathers: She doesn't have a store front either. She is a practitioner of the arts. And will meet the Investigator at the Arkham Cemetary at midnight, at an unused part of the cemetery, near a statue. The Investigator will find Mathilda performing a ceremony with candles and a protective circle. In my game, I made her a White Witch. She was renewing a ward against Ghouls.
Bishop Telling: He is the proprietor of Telling Books, an odd basement level bookshop beneath a tannery and butcher shop. The smells are terrible and the liquids that slosh in the gutters questionable. A dirty window provides the only dim illumination in the shop. He has strange customers including cultists interested in his arcane tomes. During the Investigator's visit, there were two strangely swaddled gentlemen browsing the shelves. One will eventually purchase a copy of "The Handbook for The Esoteric Order of Dagon." His fingers, slightly webbed, can be noticed as he drops gold coins on the counter. Bishop wraps the book in plain butcher paper and ties it with twine.
Headly Markus: He runs a salvage operation and sells things found or abandoned at sea. His massive warehouse, on the riverside docks, contains crates and other odd objects under tarps. Various panes of glass are missing from the upper windows and various birds inhabit the rafters. The tarps keep the pigeon and seagull droppings from damaging his already water damaged goods. Dockside activity is noisy and it makes Headly shout in order to be heard.
Harry Topus: He runs Topus Mortuary. His customers are the relatives of people who have run afoul of or summoned dangerous creatures. He handles the remains of people who have been horribly mangled and does a decent job of makeup and stitching. He also handles the liquidation of various occult artifacts and books left behind by the dearly departed who have suddenly left this plane of existence and whose relatives have no wish to deal with said occult items.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed - Combat Q&A
In Call of Cthulhu (CoC) 7th Edition, combat was changed to be more of an exchange of blows vs a single swing with a weapon. Since the mechanic was new, it introduced new questions as to how it all works due to interactions between various rules.
Here are the basic rules for melee:
Opponent can either dodge or fight back.
You compare the levels of success and the better success wins.
For ties, if dodging, the defender wins and the attack is dodged.
For ties, if fighting back, the attacker wins and injures the defender.
Here are the basic rules for firearms:
Ready firearm: +50 to DEX.
Point-blank range gives the shooter a bonus die.
Firing 2+ shots adds a penalty die on all shots, even the first shot.
Firing into melee adds a penalty die, only a fumble indicates an ally is hit.
You can reload one bullet and fire in the same round for one penalty die.
You cannot fight back against a firearm attack.
You can dive for cover, but only adds a penalty die if you succeed.
p.412-413 Keeper Rulebook has a flowchart for Combat and Combat Damage.
Q (MT): On maneuvers, an attacker with a smaller build gets a penalty die when attacking a larger defender, but it doesn't specify what happens when a larger attacker attacks a smaller defender. Would a larger attacker get a bonus die?
Q (MH): How does knocking someone out work? e.g. I'm holding a shovel and declare I want to smack whoever comes around the corner in the face, trying to knock them out in one blow.
A (MH): See p.125 Keeper Rulebook. You need to get the defender to either 0 HP or cause a Major Wound. Though getting a Major Wound on a Fighting Brawl with bare hands is sometimes very difficult (damage is 1d3 +DB, that's why you should use a shovel or baseball bat 😊) and getting them to 0 HP on one punch will just kill them outright. So, I sometimes house rule that if the original intention was to knock the defender unconscious (all earlier attacks were Fighting Brawl) and the defender is already below 1/2 HP, and gets hit again with a Fighting Brawl, I have the defender make a CON check to see if they go unconscious. This just speeds up the combat, especially if the PCs are dogpiling on a single NPC.
Q (MH): How do you deal with a called shot? We find out the creature has tough armor and we decide to aim for its eyes or open mouth.
A (MH): There is Aiming (Bonus die), p.113 Keeper Rulebook. This will increase the chance of getting an Extreme success which should model getting a called shot. See Extreme Damage and Impales p.103 Keeper Rulebook. And if the creature is Build 4 or larger and you're using a firearm, you get another Bonus die, p.113 Keeper Rulebook. And if you're really bold, you can get into Point-Blank Range (Bonus die) with a firearm. So, you can get in effect 3 bonus dice.
In Pulp Cthulhu, there is the Pulp Talent: Beady Eye, p.25 Pulp Cthulhu, which eliminates the penalty die for firing into melee and Aiming at a small target. But Players would want to apply this for everything, including a called shot. Logically, Beady Eye should allow that PC to do a called shot without a penalty, but that is unbalancing as most of the Pulp Talents are pretty limited in scope. So, I sometimes gave the PC a bonus die, but then that lead to abuse as that PC wanted a bonus die for every shot. Even the Insane Talent "Insane Accuracy," p.77 Pulp Cthulhu, gives a bonus die for every shot, is limited to the gun going empty or the first miss where it would hit an ally or something of great value.
Q (MH): Ranged and Thrown Weapons only applies half of the Damage Bonus (p.108 Keeper Rulebook). How do you figure this out?
A (MH): Damage Bonus (DB) is on p.33 Keeper Rulebook, below is a modified version.
For + damage, you can either roll the half damage or just roll full DB and halve it, rounding up.
For - damage, the PC is weaker, so you shouldn't halve the DB (in effect doing more damage with a thrown weapon), but double it, so it does even less damage. If damage + DB is negative, damage done is 0.
Q (MH): How do you deal with submachine guns such as a Tommy Gun?
A (MH): The official rules are math intensive and I find it ruins the tension / game immersion when there's a timeout for math right in the middle of a gun battle. See p.114-116 Keeper Rulebook for complete rules and p.410 Keeper Rulebook for Summary.
Instead, I do a house rule: The level of success results in a number of bullets that hit. Roll for each target in range for individual results: Fail = no bullets hit, Regular Success = 1 bullet hits, Hard Success = 2, Extreme = 3, Critical = all bullets hit. If the gun has a higher rate of fire, maybe add an additional bullet or two to each level of success.
I ignore the additional damage of an Extreme Success as I assume the attacker is "Praying and Spraying" and not aiming carefully.
Optionally, you can use the Delta Green rules using a Lethality of 10%. Roll % dice for each target hit. If you roll <= 10%, instant kill. Otherwise add up the two dice for damage. e.g. you roll 28% = 2 + 8 = 10 pts damage. A rolled 0 is = 10 pts damage, so 20% = 2 + 10 = 12 pts damage. This basically defaults to 2d10 damage unless you roll 10% or less which is an instant kill.
A (Mike Mason): Divide skill by 10 to determine how may bullets in a volley (i.e skill of 60 = 6 bullets per volley). How many volleys are to be fired? Make an attack roll for each volley: first - apply range modifier (if applicable); second - add penalty die to roll; third - add 2 penalty dice; fourth - 2 penalties + increase difficulty. If attack roll is successful - half of the shots in the volley (i.e. 3 of 6) hit, roll damage. If extreme success - all shots hit.
Q (VS): Let's say I have a SMG skill of 75 and I am firing my tommy gun with a 50 round magazine at full auto. The rules states: "Regardless of skill, a full auto volley is never fewer than 3 bullets." In this case, each volley is 7 bullets OR is each volley a player choice between 3 to 7 bullets?
A (Mike Mason): Up to the number set by the skill which can be the player's choice (i.e. my skill is 75, but I choose to fire 4 rather than 7 bullets in a volley).
Q (MH): How far can a range weapon hit?
A (MH): All range weapons have a base range.
0 to 1x base range requires a Regular success to hit.
1x+ to 2x base range requires a Hard success to hit.
2x+ to 4x base range requires an Extreme success to hit.
So, the answer is 4x base range is the maximum range of a missile weapon.
Q (MH): Can I dodge bullets?
A (MH): You can dive for cover. If you make your Dodge roll, you will get partial cover and the attacker will have a penalty die to hit you. If you fail, then the attacker will attack you as normal. The cost is that you'll lose your next action whether in this round if you haven't acted yet or the next if you've already acted. This assumes there is cover to dive behind.
As a house rule (by other GMs, I'm not totally sure this is a fair house rule), if you are in Point Blank range, a successful Dodge roll means you were able to maneuver yourself so the attacker can't aim at you. Or if the attacker is using a long firearm such as a shotgun or rifle, you are past the barrel of the gun and they can't shoot you.
I would suggest maybe the better house rule would be that the defender needs to jump the attacker (fight back with a maneuver), only possible in Point Blank range, and announce they're trying to take the weapon away from the attacker. Then both roll attack rolls. Defender needs to get a better success than attacker to take the weapon away. Otherwise the attacker hits the defender with a bullet. Then assume the two people are in hand-to-hand combat, fighting over control of the gun. From then on, either they're fighting hand-to-hand, or the person with the gun gets two penalty dice for trying to shoot the defender with the gun
Q (TP): What's the difference between a Critical success (01) and an Extreme success in combat?
A (MH): A Critical success is better than an Extreme success. So, if you fought back and rolled a Critical success, you'd beat out the attacker's Extreme success. Damage-wise, a Critical success is the same as an Extreme success with the GM having an option to add an added effect such as instantly killing the opponent, ignoring armor, stunning the opponent, loping off a limb, or putting out an eye. See p.89 Keeper Rulebook, 01: A Critical Success.
Keep in mind, if you fight back, and roll an Extreme success, you only do normal damage. Only the attacker does extra damage with an Extreme success or better, not the defender. See p.103 Keeper Rulebook, Extreme Damage and Impales.
Q (SL): Question about Firearms combat rules: Noticed a lot of penalty/bonus die situations here, I’m curious how other keepers handle a situation where the attacker/shooter is firing at a target that succeeded their dive for cover roll (1 penalty die), has a small build of -2 (1 penalty die) and has fast movement of 8 or more (1 penalty die); does that mean the attacker gets 3 penalty dice or do you go with just 1 penalty die?
I can easily see 2 penalty dice applied to shooting a monster that is small and fast.
Q (SC): How is car crash damage calculated.
Q (ED): If a person with high Firearms Skill shoots into melee and rolls 100. Is that a fumble or a malfunction?
Q (ED): Are fumbles in melee just a miss? I'm more interested in monsters. A ghoul attacking an investigator fumbled and I was uncertain if she would lose her next roll or not. Do they just miss or does something else happens?
Q (A): Combat where our first Major Wound happened! A broken arm, his dominant arm. The damage roll was just a bit over the player's half HP, so he went unconscious. To wake him up, one of the other players did a Medicine check. He got some HP back from this, putting him back over half of his HP.
Q (S): How does movement work in CoC? If a PC has MOV 7, how far can you move on a grid map? Assume each grid square is 1 yard or meter.
Q (K): Do you have to Dodge to get out of melee?
Q (Z): How do you describe Major Wounds?
Q (O): How do you handle a missed throw roll when PCs are pitching dynamite or grenades?
A (MH): There's no official rule. I roll a 1d8 (or 1d12 using hands of a clock) for direction away from the target and since it's a miss, it'll landed far enough away to do no damage.
Q (TIF): I was looking through the list of weapons in the Keeper Rulebook and it lists for "Spear, Thrown" a range of STR/5 Yards. I thought that might be a little low, so I looked up the Olympic rankings and the furthest a man has thrown a javelin in an Olympic event is over 300 feet. Now, I understand that most people aren't anywhere near capable of that, that the balance and weight of a spear might be different from a javelin intended for Olympic events, but the way the math works out, even with a STR of 99, a character can only throw a spear 19 yards (or 57 feet), which is impressive, but really unrealistic to CoC, where verisimilitude is so important.
Video of Realistic Knife Attacks:
What a realistic knife attack is like (video link) - shows how fast a knife attack is and how much presence of mind is required to fire a gun if you had one.
Knife attack and 4 guys with firearms defending (video link) - shows some tactics for the other guys with firearms and how the guy with a firearm just gets taken down to the ground.
Random Crazy just stabbing people (video link) - shows how hard it is to spot a knife attack, especially being attacked by a random crazy person.
Gun vs Knife Attack - what to do if you're trained with a gun.
Other Q&A:
CoC 7th Insanity Q&A
CoC 7th Magic Q&A
CoC 7th Skill Checks Q&A
Here are the basic rules for melee:
Opponent can either dodge or fight back.
You compare the levels of success and the better success wins.
For ties, if dodging, the defender wins and the attack is dodged.
For ties, if fighting back, the attacker wins and injures the defender.
Here are the basic rules for firearms:
Ready firearm: +50 to DEX.
Point-blank range gives the shooter a bonus die.
Firing 2+ shots adds a penalty die on all shots, even the first shot.
Firing into melee adds a penalty die, only a fumble indicates an ally is hit.
You can reload one bullet and fire in the same round for one penalty die.
You cannot fight back against a firearm attack.
You can dive for cover, but only adds a penalty die if you succeed.
p.412-413 Keeper Rulebook has a flowchart for Combat and Combat Damage.
p.408-410 Keeper Rulebook has Melee and Firearm Summaries.
So it's very straight forward, but it's the combination of firearm vs melee where confusion reigns.
Q (Morgan Hua): So, when you are attacked, you can either dodge or fight back. But what if you are holding a gun in your hand, do you get to shoot? That seems like an unfair advantage. You shoot your opponent, then they enter melee with you then you shoot them again.
A (Mike Mason): Once you are in melee, you are in melee - trying to fire off a gun while in melee is very hard - so you cannot fire at someone as a “fight back”. You can use the gun as a cosh though to “fight back”. If you let a PC fire the gun as a “fight back” then apply two penalty dice (one for “hip fire” and one for trying to shoot while the combatant is hitting you).
On TV in melee - someone has a gun in the brawl - its a messed up situation, and normally the gun goes off hitting the person firing it (as its been twisted round by their opponent).
Anyway, base rule - you are either in melee (so cannot fire, but can use gun as a cosh etc) or you are not (and so you can fire). Otherwise, as you say, [the shooter] has an unfair advantage (due to game mechanics) that wouldn’t exist in real life.
p.s. Cosh Damage: 1d8 + DB. See p.401 Keeper Rulebook, Blackjack (Cosh).
Q (RN): The initiative bonus for having a ready gun, when does that apply? Does it apply still in later rounds, even after a character reloads, or does it apply in only the first round?
A (Morgan Hua): Ready gun bonus applies to all rounds the gun is already out and ready to fire. e.g. If the PCs had to draw their guns before firing, there is no +50 to DEX. I believe this is to model the fact that pulling a trigger is faster than swinging a baseball bat. If you are out of bullets and need to reload, then I would not give you the +50 bonus, even in the case of loading one bullet and firing with the penalty die. I would consider the gun not ready, even though it's out of its holster.
Q (RN): So melee only counts after one of those involved is performing a melee attack. Just being in melee range, but not attacking does not count. Right?
A (MH): Yes. Hand-to-hand melee only starts for a specific person if they're being attacked with Fighting Brawl (knife, fists, etc) or Fighting Maneuver. If everyone is standing at point-blank and are just shooting at each other, everyone gets a bonus die.
Q (MH): How bad is a penalty die? Two penalty dice?
A (MH): Answer via example.
Assume your firearms skill is 40%.
With one penalty die:
The only time you get a success is if both die rolls are successes.
40% * 40% = 0.4 * 0.4 = 0.16 = 16% chance of hitting with one penalty die.
With two penalty dice:
The only time you get a success is if all three die rolls are successes.
40% * 40% * 40% = 6.4% chance of hitting with two penalty dice.
So basically, you square or cube your success percent depending on whether you have one or two penalty die.
Q (MH): How good is a bonus die? Two bonus dice?
A (MH): Answer via example.
Assume your firearms skills is 40%.
With one bonus die:
The only time you miss is if both die rolls miss, so you square the miss percent and subtract it from 100%.
100% - 40% = 60% miss percent
60% * 60% = 36% when both dice miss.
100% - 36% = 64% chance of hitting with one bonus die.
With two bonus dice:
It's cube the miss percent and subtract from 100%.
60% * 60% * 60% = 21.6% when all three dice miss.
100% - 21.6% = 78.4% chance of hitting with two bonus dice.
Basically you square or cube your failure percent and subtract from 100% depending on whether you have one or two penalty dice.
Q (TD): Do monsters get to fight back?
A (MH): Yes, but not only that they get to fight back that many times before an attacker gets a bonus die for outnumbering a defender. In the rules, if you've fought back or dodged already, and then get attacked again in the same round, an attacker gets a bonus die for outnumbering the defender. i.e. many on one combat. See p.108 Keeper Handbook: Outnumbered.
Q (MH): If I fight back, can I spend enough Luck to get an Extreme or Critical (01%) success and impale the attacker?
A (MH): Yes and No. You can spend enough Luck to get an Extreme or Critical success to beat your attacker, and do normal damage. You only get the impale bonuses if you are the attacker, not as a defender. p.103 Keeper Handbook: Extreme Damage and Impales.
Q (MH): If attacking, can I spend enough Luck to get a Critical (01%) success?
A (MH): On your attack, spending Luck to get your die roll down to a 01 will beat any opponent's level of success, but it will only be treated as an Extreme success for damage (Extreme Damage and Impales apply). See p.62 Pulp Cthulhu, Critical Successes and Fumbles.
Q (MH): How does a double barreled shotgun work?
A (MH): Shotguns have under Uses per Round either "1 or 2" or "1 (2)". "1 (2)" are single barreled shotguns. "1 or 2" are double barreled shotguns. Also under Name if you see a "(2B)" it's a double barreled shotgun.
Single barreled shotguns "1 (2)" act like handguns where you get a penalty die if you fire twice.
For double barreled shotguns "1 or 2", you can fire at:
Damage listed is for a single barrel. Shotgun pellets do not impale, so an Extreme Success only does max damage. See p.406 Keeper Rulebook, 2nd column, Shotguns.
Optional Armor Rule, see p.126 Keeper Rulebook. Armor is reduced from each damage die. e.g. Creature has armor of 1 gets hit with a 4d6 shotgun blast; armor will stop 4 pts of damage from pellets.
Q (MH): How does restraining an opponent work?
A (MH): First, the attacker needs to succeed in an attack Maneuver, p.106 Keeper Rulebook. Assume the maneuver is a bear hug. The defender could have avoided the Maneuver with a better fight back (defender punches the attacker in the nose) or an equal or better dodge. Let's assume the attacker beat the defender. Then each round, the attacker can keep on using the same hold without additional dice rolls. The defender can only break out by succeeding in their own Maneuver on their turn.
As a house rule, I've seen where the person breaking out of a Maneuver has to beat (fight back) or equal (dodge) the success level (std, hard, extreme, crit) of the original attack. So the only time the Bear Hugger needs to reroll is if he thinks he can put a better hold on the defender. e.g. upgrade his bear hug (assume he got a std success) to a full nelson (wants a hard or extreme success), but there's a chance he might fail and the defender will automatically get free. So, how I would do this is when the defender finally gets to act (fighting Maneuver or Dodge), the Bear Hugger either has to be happy with his original level of success (so the defender only needs to roll and just compare levels of success) or the Bear Hugger rolls a new fight back (so both defender and attacker need to roll, then compare levels of success. And keep in mind the defender is acting, not the Bear Hugger, so ties go to him).
Also of note, Build difference penalties only affect the person initiating the Maneuver, so a smaller person trying to trip a bigger person will have a penalty, but not when a larger person tries to trip a smaller person (and doesn't get a bonus die for being bigger, unless the GM house rules this). So, in the above example, if a smaller person has already been Bear Hugged and is trying to break out of a Bear Hug with a Maneuver, I'd rule that there is a penalty die. See p.105-106, 408, and 412 Keeper Rulebook.
Q (DV): What can a player can do while being grappled and attacked in the same round.
So it's very straight forward, but it's the combination of firearm vs melee where confusion reigns.
Q (Morgan Hua): So, when you are attacked, you can either dodge or fight back. But what if you are holding a gun in your hand, do you get to shoot? That seems like an unfair advantage. You shoot your opponent, then they enter melee with you then you shoot them again.
On TV in melee - someone has a gun in the brawl - its a messed up situation, and normally the gun goes off hitting the person firing it (as its been twisted round by their opponent).
Anyway, base rule - you are either in melee (so cannot fire, but can use gun as a cosh etc) or you are not (and so you can fire). Otherwise, as you say, [the shooter] has an unfair advantage (due to game mechanics) that wouldn’t exist in real life.
p.s. Cosh Damage: 1d8 + DB. See p.401 Keeper Rulebook, Blackjack (Cosh).
Q (RN): The initiative bonus for having a ready gun, when does that apply? Does it apply still in later rounds, even after a character reloads, or does it apply in only the first round?
A (Morgan Hua): Ready gun bonus applies to all rounds the gun is already out and ready to fire. e.g. If the PCs had to draw their guns before firing, there is no +50 to DEX. I believe this is to model the fact that pulling a trigger is faster than swinging a baseball bat. If you are out of bullets and need to reload, then I would not give you the +50 bonus, even in the case of loading one bullet and firing with the penalty die. I would consider the gun not ready, even though it's out of its holster.
Also if you move before you fire, you won't get the +50 DEX modifier. You only get the +50 DEX modifier if your gun is out and ready to fire, and you fire before you move. See p.127 Keeper Rulebook, Movement During Combat.
Q (RN): For the answer involving 2 penalty dice, wouldn't the point-blank range cancel out the penalty die from firing into melee?
A (MH): Overall, I'd just give the 2 penalty dice. The bonus die is because you're so close you can't miss, but the problem is you're so close you can't hit when trying to shoot a gun while someone is grappling you.
Q (RN): The bonus for point-blank and the penalty for melee always confused me as they seemed like they'd always cancel each other out.
A (MH): As a GM, I do cheat a little and let the PCs step back a few steps and fire into melee. e.g. The gun wielder can fire on their turn, but must dodge / fight grapple when being attacked in melee range. But the bonus and penalty die cancel out for point-blank and firing into melee.
When more than two people are fighting. Generally what happens is a PC is grappling with an opponent and another PC is free with a gun. In this instance, the point-blank and firing into melee cancel each other out and you can fire normally, or fire 3 times with a penalty die on each shot, but if you miss, nothing bad happens. Only if you fumble do you hit the friendly. The penalty die is to model you not trying to hit a friendly. At the high end failure (based on the firearm malfunction %), you just get a jammed gun. But that is up to GM when firing into melee, GM may decide on friendly fire instead. although most friendly fire incidents happen during insanity, so maybe a jam is a nicer thing for the GM to do.
Q (RN): So when would point-blank apply, but firing into melee not?
A (MH): During a surprise attack. Or the first round where the PC with +50 DEX goes before the bad guys and steps into point-blank range before firing. This mostly happens in enclosed spaces like an apartment hallway, a room in an office, or a train car.
I've also seen a pitched fight where a bad guy just dropped a friendly, so hasn't entered melee with another friendly, so another PC was able to fire with a bonus die since the baddy was unengaged at that moment.
Technically to get the +50 DEX, you're not allowed to move before you fire, only afterwards. But I allow a few steps of movement during combat anyway. e.g. If you're already in close range and stepping a few feet will get you into point-blank, I'll allow it. But this means your movement stops at point-blank. I won't allow a move-to-point-blank, fire, move away, that'll be abusive.
Q (RN): For the answer involving 2 penalty dice, wouldn't the point-blank range cancel out the penalty die from firing into melee?
A (MH): Overall, I'd just give the 2 penalty dice. The bonus die is because you're so close you can't miss, but the problem is you're so close you can't hit when trying to shoot a gun while someone is grappling you.
Q (RN): The bonus for point-blank and the penalty for melee always confused me as they seemed like they'd always cancel each other out.
A (MH): As a GM, I do cheat a little and let the PCs step back a few steps and fire into melee. e.g. The gun wielder can fire on their turn, but must dodge / fight grapple when being attacked in melee range. But the bonus and penalty die cancel out for point-blank and firing into melee.
When more than two people are fighting. Generally what happens is a PC is grappling with an opponent and another PC is free with a gun. In this instance, the point-blank and firing into melee cancel each other out and you can fire normally, or fire 3 times with a penalty die on each shot, but if you miss, nothing bad happens. Only if you fumble do you hit the friendly. The penalty die is to model you not trying to hit a friendly. At the high end failure (based on the firearm malfunction %), you just get a jammed gun. But that is up to GM when firing into melee, GM may decide on friendly fire instead. although most friendly fire incidents happen during insanity, so maybe a jam is a nicer thing for the GM to do.
Q (RN): So when would point-blank apply, but firing into melee not?
A (MH): During a surprise attack. Or the first round where the PC with +50 DEX goes before the bad guys and steps into point-blank range before firing. This mostly happens in enclosed spaces like an apartment hallway, a room in an office, or a train car.
I've also seen a pitched fight where a bad guy just dropped a friendly, so hasn't entered melee with another friendly, so another PC was able to fire with a bonus die since the baddy was unengaged at that moment.
Technically to get the +50 DEX, you're not allowed to move before you fire, only afterwards. But I allow a few steps of movement during combat anyway. e.g. If you're already in close range and stepping a few feet will get you into point-blank, I'll allow it. But this means your movement stops at point-blank. I won't allow a move-to-point-blank, fire, move away, that'll be abusive.
Q (RN): So melee only counts after one of those involved is performing a melee attack. Just being in melee range, but not attacking does not count. Right?
A (MH): Yes. Hand-to-hand melee only starts for a specific person if they're being attacked with Fighting Brawl (knife, fists, etc) or Fighting Maneuver. If everyone is standing at point-blank and are just shooting at each other, everyone gets a bonus die.
Q (MH): How bad is a penalty die? Two penalty dice?
A (MH): Answer via example.
Assume your firearms skill is 40%.
With one penalty die:
The only time you get a success is if both die rolls are successes.
40% * 40% = 0.4 * 0.4 = 0.16 = 16% chance of hitting with one penalty die.
With two penalty dice:
The only time you get a success is if all three die rolls are successes.
40% * 40% * 40% = 6.4% chance of hitting with two penalty dice.
So basically, you square or cube your success percent depending on whether you have one or two penalty die.
Q (MH): How good is a bonus die? Two bonus dice?
A (MH): Answer via example.
Assume your firearms skills is 40%.
With one bonus die:
The only time you miss is if both die rolls miss, so you square the miss percent and subtract it from 100%.
100% - 40% = 60% miss percent
60% * 60% = 36% when both dice miss.
100% - 36% = 64% chance of hitting with one bonus die.
With two bonus dice:
It's cube the miss percent and subtract from 100%.
60% * 60% * 60% = 21.6% when all three dice miss.
100% - 21.6% = 78.4% chance of hitting with two bonus dice.
Basically you square or cube your failure percent and subtract from 100% depending on whether you have one or two penalty dice.
Q (TD): Do monsters get to fight back?
A (MH): Yes, but not only that they get to fight back that many times before an attacker gets a bonus die for outnumbering a defender. In the rules, if you've fought back or dodged already, and then get attacked again in the same round, an attacker gets a bonus die for outnumbering the defender. i.e. many on one combat. See p.108 Keeper Handbook: Outnumbered.
So, if the monster has 4 attacks, it doesn't get outnumbered until after it has fought back 4 times that round.
Q (CC): If a creature uses 2 attacks against a PC on the same turn, would the second be used with a bonus die? Or would it be only if multiple monsters/NPCs attack the same PC.
Q (CC): If a creature uses 2 attacks against a PC on the same turn, would the second be used with a bonus die? Or would it be only if multiple monsters/NPCs attack the same PC.
A (MH): If a monster is attacking the same target multiple times, it gets a bonus die for the additional attacks. See p.15 Malleus Monstrorum Volume 1, Monsters and Outnumbering.
If an octopus-like creature decides to grab you with 4 tentacles, instead of 1, it'll be a lot harder to fend off the additional attacks. So, it should get a bonus die for the additional attacks.
But I sometimes give the PCs a break and omit the bonus die. I would do this on a case by case basis.
If the multiple attacks are really deadly, then I wouldn't bother with the bonus die and if the PC survives, it's a miracle the Player can talk about afterwards.
If the attacks are a claw and a bite, then I'd say the two attacks are in concert. If the claw hits, then the creature pulls the PC in for the bite with a bonus die.
If the 1st attack was a grapple and the 2nd attack was some sort of death kiss, then I would instead give the target a penalty die since the whole reason for the 1st attack was to immobilize the target, and being grappled does add a penalty die. Also I would not allow the grappled target to step back to fire a gun on their turn as the target is now locked in melee combat and can only try to break free or fight with a cosh.
If the attacks are completely different actions such as a claw and a kick, then I wouldn't give a bonus die for the 2nd attack.
Q (MH): If I fight back, can I spend enough Luck to get an Extreme or Critical (01%) success and impale the attacker?
A (MH): Yes and No. You can spend enough Luck to get an Extreme or Critical success to beat your attacker, and do normal damage. You only get the impale bonuses if you are the attacker, not as a defender. p.103 Keeper Handbook: Extreme Damage and Impales.
Q (MH): If attacking, can I spend enough Luck to get a Critical (01%) success?
A (MH): On your attack, spending Luck to get your die roll down to a 01 will beat any opponent's level of success, but it will only be treated as an Extreme success for damage (Extreme Damage and Impales apply). See p.62 Pulp Cthulhu, Critical Successes and Fumbles.
Q (MH): How does a double barreled shotgun work?
A (MH): Shotguns have under Uses per Round either "1 or 2" or "1 (2)". "1 (2)" are single barreled shotguns. "1 or 2" are double barreled shotguns. Also under Name if you see a "(2B)" it's a double barreled shotgun.
Single barreled shotguns "1 (2)" act like handguns where you get a penalty die if you fire twice.
For double barreled shotguns "1 or 2", you can fire at:
- one target with one barrel. Normal attack roll.
- one target with both barrels. Two attack rolls, one for each barrel, no penalty die.
- two targets, one with each barrel. Normal attack roll for first shot, Penalty die for 2nd target.
Damage listed is for a single barrel. Shotgun pellets do not impale, so an Extreme Success only does max damage. See p.406 Keeper Rulebook, 2nd column, Shotguns.
Optional Armor Rule, see p.126 Keeper Rulebook. Armor is reduced from each damage die. e.g. Creature has armor of 1 gets hit with a 4d6 shotgun blast; armor will stop 4 pts of damage from pellets.
Optional Point-Blank Rule, see p.127 Keeper Rulebook, Point-Blank Revisited. Rifles, full-length shotguns, and bows do not get a bonus die at point-blank range. Short-barreled shotguns (such as the Winchester 1897 "Trench Gun" used in WWI or a modern Remington Tac 14) or sawed-off shotguns do gain a bonus die.
In my experience, shotguns generally become the weapon of choice for veteran CoC Players. Due to the massive amount of damage it does. PCs would move into point-blank or wait until an enemy comes into point-blank for a bonus die before firing. Though an extreme success would only result in maximum damage instead of an impale. See p.406 Keeper Rulebook, Shotguns.
What's interesting is that Delta Green does something different. Shotguns always gain a +20% to hit (similar to a bonus die). Armor stoppage is doubled. Single barrel is 2d8 and firing both barrels is 3d8, rolling only once to hit. See p.94 Delta Green Agent's Handbook, Shotguns.
So, you can house rule something similar, such as 6d6/3d6/1d6+2 damage for a double barreled shotgun blast, requiring only one die roll to hit if firing both barrels.
See my blog post on Shotguns, a Closer Look.
Q (MH): How does restraining an opponent work?
A (MH): First, the attacker needs to succeed in an attack Maneuver, p.106 Keeper Rulebook. Assume the maneuver is a bear hug. The defender could have avoided the Maneuver with a better fight back (defender punches the attacker in the nose) or an equal or better dodge. Let's assume the attacker beat the defender. Then each round, the attacker can keep on using the same hold without additional dice rolls. The defender can only break out by succeeding in their own Maneuver on their turn.
As a house rule, I've seen where the person breaking out of a Maneuver has to beat (fight back) or equal (dodge) the success level (std, hard, extreme, crit) of the original attack. So the only time the Bear Hugger needs to reroll is if he thinks he can put a better hold on the defender. e.g. upgrade his bear hug (assume he got a std success) to a full nelson (wants a hard or extreme success), but there's a chance he might fail and the defender will automatically get free. So, how I would do this is when the defender finally gets to act (fighting Maneuver or Dodge), the Bear Hugger either has to be happy with his original level of success (so the defender only needs to roll and just compare levels of success) or the Bear Hugger rolls a new fight back (so both defender and attacker need to roll, then compare levels of success. And keep in mind the defender is acting, not the Bear Hugger, so ties go to him).
Also of note, Build difference penalties only affect the person initiating the Maneuver, so a smaller person trying to trip a bigger person will have a penalty, but not when a larger person tries to trip a smaller person (and doesn't get a bonus die for being bigger, unless the GM house rules this). So, in the above example, if a smaller person has already been Bear Hugged and is trying to break out of a Bear Hug with a Maneuver, I'd rule that there is a penalty die. See p.105-106, 408, and 412 Keeper Rulebook.
Q (DV): What can a player can do while being grappled and attacked in the same round.
For example: A player is grappled by a hunting horror and the horror goes in to take a big bite. Can the player make a dodge roll with penalty? Or does the creature simply get a free hit on the player or just given a bonus die.
A (MH): p.106 Keeper Rulebook. A successful maneuver allows:
* Place the enemy at an on-going disadvantage, either inflicting one penalty die on the opponent’s future actions or granting one bonus die to allies’ actions taken against the target (choose whichever seems most appropriate to the situation). This disadvantage may be as a result of physical restraint or of having been knocked to the floor.
* To escape when physically restrained by another character. The restrained character may use a maneuver of their own on their turn to break out of a hold, otherwise they are automatically held until their attacker releases them.
Reading this, I assume the successful grapple puts the PC at a disadvantage. I would give the defender (PC) a dodge roll against the bite, but with a disadvantage die (due to the successful grapple, p106 Keeper Rulebook). And if the bite is in the same round as the grapple, the creature would get a bonus die for the 2nd attack (outnumbered bonus, p.108 Keeper Rulebook). I assume the creature has the PC in its coils or claws and would try to bite the PC in the head/arms/shoulders, the PC can try to squrim and avoid the bite when being attacked. On the captured PC's turn, the PC can then either attack (if an arm is free, but with a disadvantage die) or try a maneuver to breakout, otherwise the grapple disadvantage would be ongoing.
Q (MT): On maneuvers, an attacker with a smaller build gets a penalty die when attacking a larger defender, but it doesn't specify what happens when a larger attacker attacks a smaller defender. Would a larger attacker get a bonus die?
A (MH): No. It would be too much of an advantage for the larger person. See p.105-106 Keeper Rulebook, Step 1: Compare Builds. It is explicitly stated: "If the character performing the maneuver has the same (or higher) Build as their opponent, no additional modifiers are applied."
Q (MH): How does knocking someone out work? e.g. I'm holding a shovel and declare I want to smack whoever comes around the corner in the face, trying to knock them out in one blow.
A (MH): See p.125 Keeper Rulebook. You need to get the defender to either 0 HP or cause a Major Wound. Though getting a Major Wound on a Fighting Brawl with bare hands is sometimes very difficult (damage is 1d3 +DB, that's why you should use a shovel or baseball bat 😊) and getting them to 0 HP on one punch will just kill them outright. So, I sometimes house rule that if the original intention was to knock the defender unconscious (all earlier attacks were Fighting Brawl) and the defender is already below 1/2 HP, and gets hit again with a Fighting Brawl, I have the defender make a CON check to see if they go unconscious. This just speeds up the combat, especially if the PCs are dogpiling on a single NPC.
Q (MH): How do you deal with a called shot? We find out the creature has tough armor and we decide to aim for its eyes or open mouth.
A (MH): There is Aiming (Bonus die), p.113 Keeper Rulebook. This will increase the chance of getting an Extreme success which should model getting a called shot. See Extreme Damage and Impales p.103 Keeper Rulebook. And if the creature is Build 4 or larger and you're using a firearm, you get another Bonus die, p.113 Keeper Rulebook. And if you're really bold, you can get into Point-Blank Range (Bonus die) with a firearm. So, you can get in effect 3 bonus dice.
In Pulp Cthulhu, there is the Pulp Talent: Beady Eye, p.25 Pulp Cthulhu, which eliminates the penalty die for firing into melee and Aiming at a small target. But Players would want to apply this for everything, including a called shot. Logically, Beady Eye should allow that PC to do a called shot without a penalty, but that is unbalancing as most of the Pulp Talents are pretty limited in scope. So, I sometimes gave the PC a bonus die, but then that lead to abuse as that PC wanted a bonus die for every shot. Even the Insane Talent "Insane Accuracy," p.77 Pulp Cthulhu, gives a bonus die for every shot, is limited to the gun going empty or the first miss where it would hit an ally or something of great value.
Q (MH): Ranged and Thrown Weapons only applies half of the Damage Bonus (p.108 Keeper Rulebook). How do you figure this out?
A (MH): Damage Bonus (DB) is on p.33 Keeper Rulebook, below is a modified version.
For + damage, you can either roll the half damage or just roll full DB and halve it, rounding up.
For - damage, the PC is weaker, so you shouldn't halve the DB (in effect doing more damage with a thrown weapon), but double it, so it does even less damage. If damage + DB is negative, damage done is 0.
STR + SIZ | Build | Damage Bonus | Half Damage Bonus |
2 - 64 | -2 | -2 | -4 |
65 - 84 | -1 | -1 | -2 |
85 - 124 | 0 | None | 0 |
125 - 164 | 1 | +1d4 | +1d2 |
165 - 204 | 2 | +1d6 | +1d3 |
205 - 284 | 3 | +2d6 | +1d6 |
285 - 364 | 4 | +3d6 | +1d6 +1d3 |
365 - 444 | 5 | +4d6 | +2d6 |
445 - 524 | 6 | +5d6 | +2d6 +1d3 |
Q (MH): How do you deal with submachine guns such as a Tommy Gun?
A (MH): The official rules are math intensive and I find it ruins the tension / game immersion when there's a timeout for math right in the middle of a gun battle. See p.114-116 Keeper Rulebook for complete rules and p.410 Keeper Rulebook for Summary.
Instead, I do a house rule: The level of success results in a number of bullets that hit. Roll for each target in range for individual results: Fail = no bullets hit, Regular Success = 1 bullet hits, Hard Success = 2, Extreme = 3, Critical = all bullets hit. If the gun has a higher rate of fire, maybe add an additional bullet or two to each level of success.
I ignore the additional damage of an Extreme Success as I assume the attacker is "Praying and Spraying" and not aiming carefully.
Optionally, you can use the Delta Green rules using a Lethality of 10%. Roll % dice for each target hit. If you roll <= 10%, instant kill. Otherwise add up the two dice for damage. e.g. you roll 28% = 2 + 8 = 10 pts damage. A rolled 0 is = 10 pts damage, so 20% = 2 + 10 = 12 pts damage. This basically defaults to 2d10 damage unless you roll 10% or less which is an instant kill.
A (Mike Mason): Divide skill by 10 to determine how may bullets in a volley (i.e skill of 60 = 6 bullets per volley). How many volleys are to be fired? Make an attack roll for each volley: first - apply range modifier (if applicable); second - add penalty die to roll; third - add 2 penalty dice; fourth - 2 penalties + increase difficulty. If attack roll is successful - half of the shots in the volley (i.e. 3 of 6) hit, roll damage. If extreme success - all shots hit.
Q (VS): Let's say I have a SMG skill of 75 and I am firing my tommy gun with a 50 round magazine at full auto. The rules states: "Regardless of skill, a full auto volley is never fewer than 3 bullets." In this case, each volley is 7 bullets OR is each volley a player choice between 3 to 7 bullets?
A (Mike Mason): Up to the number set by the skill which can be the player's choice (i.e. my skill is 75, but I choose to fire 4 rather than 7 bullets in a volley).
Q (MH): How far can a range weapon hit?
A (MH): All range weapons have a base range.
0 to 1x base range requires a Regular success to hit.
1x+ to 2x base range requires a Hard success to hit.
2x+ to 4x base range requires an Extreme success to hit.
So, the answer is 4x base range is the maximum range of a missile weapon.
Q (MH): Can I dodge bullets?
A (MH): You can dive for cover. If you make your Dodge roll, you will get partial cover and the attacker will have a penalty die to hit you. If you fail, then the attacker will attack you as normal. The cost is that you'll lose your next action whether in this round if you haven't acted yet or the next if you've already acted. This assumes there is cover to dive behind.
As a house rule (by other GMs, I'm not totally sure this is a fair house rule), if you are in Point Blank range, a successful Dodge roll means you were able to maneuver yourself so the attacker can't aim at you. Or if the attacker is using a long firearm such as a shotgun or rifle, you are past the barrel of the gun and they can't shoot you.
I would suggest maybe the better house rule would be that the defender needs to jump the attacker (fight back with a maneuver), only possible in Point Blank range, and announce they're trying to take the weapon away from the attacker. Then both roll attack rolls. Defender needs to get a better success than attacker to take the weapon away. Otherwise the attacker hits the defender with a bullet. Then assume the two people are in hand-to-hand combat, fighting over control of the gun. From then on, either they're fighting hand-to-hand, or the person with the gun gets two penalty dice for trying to shoot the defender with the gun
Also see p.127 Keeper Rulebook on Point-Blank Revisited (optional rule). Rifles and shotguns do not gain a point-blank bonus die. Which is interesting because in my games, most PCs want to get into point-blank with a shotgun in order to increase their chance of getting an Extreme success and doing maximum damage.
Also see p.127 Keeper Rulebook on Point-Blank Revisited (optional rule). Rifles and shotguns do not gain a point-blank bonus die. Which is interesting because in my games, most PCs want to get into point-blank with a shotgun in order to increase their chance of getting an Extreme success and doing maximum damage.
Q (TP): What's the difference between a Critical success (01) and an Extreme success in combat?
A (MH): A Critical success is better than an Extreme success. So, if you fought back and rolled a Critical success, you'd beat out the attacker's Extreme success. Damage-wise, a Critical success is the same as an Extreme success with the GM having an option to add an added effect such as instantly killing the opponent, ignoring armor, stunning the opponent, loping off a limb, or putting out an eye. See p.89 Keeper Rulebook, 01: A Critical Success.
Keep in mind, if you fight back, and roll an Extreme success, you only do normal damage. Only the attacker does extra damage with an Extreme success or better, not the defender. See p.103 Keeper Rulebook, Extreme Damage and Impales.
Q (SL): Question about Firearms combat rules: Noticed a lot of penalty/bonus die situations here, I’m curious how other keepers handle a situation where the attacker/shooter is firing at a target that succeeded their dive for cover roll (1 penalty die), has a small build of -2 (1 penalty die) and has fast movement of 8 or more (1 penalty die); does that mean the attacker gets 3 penalty dice or do you go with just 1 penalty die?
A (MH): The penalties stack. It is possible to earn and stack all 3 penalty dice, but the rules state that there's a maximum of 2 penalty dice and any additional penalty dice are used to increase the difficulty of the task instead. See p. 116 Keeper Rulebook. Automatic Fire, Second and further attack rolls. So, for this example, 2 penalty dice and a Hard Success is needed to hit the target.
Though possible, I've never seen a PC with build of -2. The Fast-Moving Target modifier is only if the PC with 8+ Move Rate is moving at full speed and doing nothing else. If a PC dives for cover, they lose their next action.
Though possible, I've never seen a PC with build of -2. The Fast-Moving Target modifier is only if the PC with 8+ Move Rate is moving at full speed and doing nothing else. If a PC dives for cover, they lose their next action.
I can easily see 2 penalty dice applied to shooting a monster that is small and fast.
Q (SC): How is car crash damage calculated.
A (MH): If you are using a car to run over someone, the damage is 1d6 to 1d10 per build of the car, depending on how solid you hit your target. A standard car has build 5. See p.415 Keeper Rulebook, Table VI: Vehicular Collisions and p.416 Table V: Vehicle Reference Chart.
And the driver and all passengers takes a single die of damage depending on how hard you hit the object. e.g. if you did 1d6 damage per car's build to what you run over, people inside the car take 1d6 each; if you did 1d10 damage per car's build to what you run over, each passenger takes 1d10 damage. See p.144 Keeper Rulebook, Vehicular Collisions.
If you are in the car and it gets into a fatal crash (car takes damage equal to the build x 10, 50 HP for a standard car), you might just die outright or take 2d10 damage when thrown from the car. If the car isn't destroyed outright, then driver and each passenger takes 1d10. See p.416 Keeper Rulebook, Table V: Vehicle Reference Chart, Build.
Q (HW): For opposed combat rolls, both sides failed, but I accidentally ruled that the victor of the combat round was based on the higher skill.
Q (HW): For opposed combat rolls, both sides failed, but I accidentally ruled that the victor of the combat round was based on the higher skill.
A (MH): Actually, you did nothing wrong. If you look at p.125, Keeper Rulebook, Avoiding Nothing Happening When Both Sides Fail Their Fighting Skill Roll. You did the 2nd bullet point. As long as you're consistent in how you interpret the rules, then it's ok. If you didn't like the outcome, you can revise how you handle this situation next time, but tell your players why you changed the rule before the next session.
I'd personally go with the 1st bullet point, nothing happens, because sometimes a combat round is just a delaying tactic and having nothing happening is a win for the PCs. If the PCs outnumber the bad guys, this lets the PCs pick off the bad guys, let the unoccupied PCs finish a ritual or run away.
Q (ED): If a person with high Firearms Skill shoots into melee and rolls 100. Is that a fumble or a malfunction?
A (MH): GM's choice: You can jam, shoot the friendly engaged in hand-to-hand, or shoot yourself. See p.118 Keeper Rulebook, Malfunctions. Up to whatever the GM determines as the most interesting.
Q (IC): What's the difference between Malfunctions and Fumbles?
Q (IC): What's the difference between Malfunctions and Fumbles?
A (MH): There are two stats, Malfunction which is generally somewhere between 98-100. Fumble which is either 96-100 (if Firearms skill is less than 50) or 100 (if Firearms skill is 50+). Malfunction generally takes more than one round to clear. Most fumbles only take one round to recover from, but may involve friendly fire.
When firing into melee combat, a fumble indicates friendly fire, accidentally hitting a PC instead of the intended target. When firing into melee, a penalty die is accessed to model that you're not trying to hit a friendly. I sometimes do offer to PCs the option of firing without a penalty die, but the devil's bargain is that if you miss, you'll automatically hit the friendly in combat vs only if you fumble.
A malfunction means the gun is jammed (or explodes due to lack of maintenance) and may take multiple rounds to fix. Not having a working weapon for several rounds in a life and death situation is pretty bad.
See p.113 (bottom) and p.114 (top) Keeper Rulebook, Firing into Melee Combat.
See p.118 Keeper Rulebook, Malfunctions. Takes 1d6 rounds to clear a malfunction if it's not a revolver.
Q (ED): Are fumbles in melee just a miss? I'm more interested in monsters. A ghoul attacking an investigator fumbled and I was uncertain if she would lose her next roll or not. Do they just miss or does something else happens?
A (MH): GM potluck. In your example, I'd say maybe the ghoul missed and its claws got stuck in the wall. To make it horrifying and not funny, I'd describe its long finger nails digging really deep into the wall, enough the eviscerate the PC, but it missed and its fingers are temporarily stuck (for 1 or 2 rounds). Though it can still attack with its other claw, thus not totally removing the threat to the PCs. If the combat is really close, I might give the PCs a bonus die for the next round as the ghoul's hand is still stuck and will be free soon, but it is still a threat. At the very least, a ghoul which has 3 attacks, would only have 1 or 2 attacks until it's free.
So, this applies to PCs too. A fumble is GM potluck. I generally rule either a dropped weapon or a slip and fall. For a 00 fumble, I sometimes do something special, such as your weapon goes into the gelatinous creature up to the hilt, including your hand. You're now stuck as its digestive juices start working on your hand.
Q (TC): Can you do your full movement and then attack?
A (MH): Yes, but you might lose the +50 to your initiative DEX order for a readied firearm or even get a penalty die if you take your full movement, depending if your GM uses the full optional rule. See p.127 Keeper Rulebook, Optional Rules for Combat: Movement During Combat.
During play, most of the time, we don't bother with the optional rules and just let the shooter have the +50 DEX and allow them to move before firing. Most of the time, it's to move into point-blank range before firing, so they can get a bonus die. Why allow this? It makes sense, the shooter is trying to move into point-blank range, close enough to not miss and far enough away to not get hit with a baseball bat, and if the target charges the shooter, then the shooter will just fire once the opponent gets into point-blank range anyway. It's not like this combat is discrete and people just appear next to you, they're all moving, but we have to use initiative DEX order to help simulate combat, letting the faster people go first. And if the target is another shooter, then it evens out as the target gets +50 DEX also.
Q (AJ): Pulp Cthulhu question. Supposing one of your heroes gets knocked down to zero hit points but decides to spend luck to stay conscious. What happens if they then take more damage? As they are already at zero, do they just shrug it off (assuming it's less than half their max HP)?
Q (TC): Can you do your full movement and then attack?
A (MH): Yes, but you might lose the +50 to your initiative DEX order for a readied firearm or even get a penalty die if you take your full movement, depending if your GM uses the full optional rule. See p.127 Keeper Rulebook, Optional Rules for Combat: Movement During Combat.
During play, most of the time, we don't bother with the optional rules and just let the shooter have the +50 DEX and allow them to move before firing. Most of the time, it's to move into point-blank range before firing, so they can get a bonus die. Why allow this? It makes sense, the shooter is trying to move into point-blank range, close enough to not miss and far enough away to not get hit with a baseball bat, and if the target charges the shooter, then the shooter will just fire once the opponent gets into point-blank range anyway. It's not like this combat is discrete and people just appear next to you, they're all moving, but we have to use initiative DEX order to help simulate combat, letting the faster people go first. And if the target is another shooter, then it evens out as the target gets +50 DEX also.
Q (AJ): Pulp Cthulhu question. Supposing one of your heroes gets knocked down to zero hit points but decides to spend luck to stay conscious. What happens if they then take more damage? As they are already at zero, do they just shrug it off (assuming it's less than half their max HP)?
A (MH): According to p.66 Pulp Cthulhu, Dying and Death, you are correct. But, I don't quite use Rules As Written (RAW). I force them to spend all their Luck to Avoid Certain Death p.61. Otherwise, it seems crazy and the PCs can't really be hurt. Without danger of being hurt, the game is not as exciting.
RAW in your example requires 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc Luck Spends to keep conscious each additional round. And as long as the PC only takes damage less than 1/2 max HP on each hit, then he'll live. Most PCs have a lot of Luck, so this means the PC can probably stick around multiple rounds at 0 HP. I think this is abusive. For a superhero-like games (The Shadow, Rocketeer), it'll be ok, but I don't like superhero games.
Q (DMB): My character threw a grenade at 2 Nazis and a monk who where standing on top of a plane. The plane was located near to our plane which had crash landed and was leaking fuel. I rolled a 01 critical success. The GM ruled this resulted in the German plane exploding, our plane exploding with all our stuff in it and a mighty impressive fire ball. I feel that despite the grenade being ill advised the 01 critical success should result in an outcome that I, the player, wanted. Killing the bad guys with no damage to the plane. GM has ruled that due to it being 01 the damage is critical and mass carnage, not the effect I, the player, desired.
Q (DMB): My character threw a grenade at 2 Nazis and a monk who where standing on top of a plane. The plane was located near to our plane which had crash landed and was leaking fuel. I rolled a 01 critical success. The GM ruled this resulted in the German plane exploding, our plane exploding with all our stuff in it and a mighty impressive fire ball. I feel that despite the grenade being ill advised the 01 critical success should result in an outcome that I, the player, wanted. Killing the bad guys with no damage to the plane. GM has ruled that due to it being 01 the damage is critical and mass carnage, not the effect I, the player, desired.
A (MH): It all depends on where you are in the plot/scenario. Killing all the bad guys and not getting hurt at all sounds like an 01 die roll to me. Now, depending on where you are in the plot, if you're supposed to go somewhere else and not try to fix the plane, then blowing it up is a favor done to you by the GM. If you're supposed to fix the plane and leave the area, then blowing up both planes is overly harsh. So, it all depends. Since the GM knows the plot/scenario, I'd give the GM the benefit of the doubt.
Also Nazis and grenades sounds like Pulp Cthulhu, escaping unhurt from a giant fireball sounds correct and on theme to me.
An 01 is a GM potluck die roll, up to GM interpretation. First, it is an extreme success, so the grenade would have done maximum damage + regular damage (if piercing weapon). Assume 01 drops the grenade exactly where the PC wanted it and groups all the bad guys within the kill effect. Then all the bad guys would take this damage without a chance to react. The bonus effect is GM potluck. Your GM decided it would also ignite the enemy plane and explode causing extra damage to the bad guys and the surrounding area. Having a fuel leak nearby with a trail of fuel leading to your plane probably means your plane would catch fire also. So, this all makes sense to me.
As a thought experiment, let's say it's a cult of inhuman creatures worshipping an atomic bomb ready to summon Azathoth. PC decides to take a rifle and shoot the detonator (red Do Not Touch button) in order to set the bomb off early. If the PC rolled a 01, I'd say he'd hit the button (without damaging the mechanism) and set the bomb off. This would incinerate the cult and stop the ritual without having to wade through the creatures and possibly failing before Azathoth shows up. Definitely a win. If you were playing Pulp Cthulhu, anybody with 30+ Luck can Survive Certain Death -- most likely there's an empty abandoned refrigerator right next to you. 😊. The 01 lets you do what you wanted really well, but doesn't shield you from the consequences, nor change the laws of physics (unless it's Pulp Cthulhu where it's Movie Physics).
Q (DV): Bullets/knives can deliver impale bonuses but what about claws. Like from a bear? I’ve been running my games with the intention that any set of large sharp natural claws have the possibility of dealing impale bonus as these claws are large and sharp like a knife.
Q (DV): Bullets/knives can deliver impale bonuses but what about claws. Like from a bear? I’ve been running my games with the intention that any set of large sharp natural claws have the possibility of dealing impale bonus as these claws are large and sharp like a knife.
A (MH): Even a small knife that does 1d4 can impale. So, I'd say any creature with a bite or claw attack that can do 1d4 or more damage can impale. See p.401, Keeper Rulebook. Weapons listed with an (i) can impale. See p.405, Keeper Rulebook, Key (i). I see a typo in my book. Bow and Arrows should impale.
Q (A): Combat where our first Major Wound happened! A broken arm, his dominant arm. The damage roll was just a bit over the player's half HP, so he went unconscious. To wake him up, one of the other players did a Medicine check. He got some HP back from this, putting him back over half of his HP.
What happens to his Major Wound?
We now have ruled that he has to wait at least a week, for a healing roll for the major wound. But some of the investigators didn't agree, while his HP was already over half of his max. We tried to find answers online, but couldn't really find an answer for this predicament.
How should we handle this in the future?
A (MH): Once current HP is half HP or better, the Major Wound is healed. See p.121, Keeper Rulebook, Major Wound Recovery.
I rule that once HP is half HP or more, then Major Wound box is unchecked. How you describe this is up to the GM (with Player input possibly).
It does seem odd that a broken arm is suddenly healed.
That said, I would rule that the Major Wound status is unchecked, but the arm is still broken, but First Aid or Medicine had reset the arm and put a split on it (or plaster cast). Once HP is fully recovered, the arm is healed.
The difference is that if you have a Major Wound and HP drops to 0, you are dying. If you don't have a Major Wound, you're unconscious.
Assume you do First Aid and splint the arm which puts the PC back to NOT a Major Wound. Later when the PC gets dropped to 0 HP, the PC is just unconscious with a splint. But let's say you rule the PC still has a Major Wound and gets dropped to 0 HP, you'd have to say that a broken piece of bone had hit an artery when the PC got dropped to 0 HP and is bleeding out. The PC's dying.
In either case, the PC still has a broken arm (though splinted or in a plaster cast). the question is whether you as a GM want to kill the PC if they hit 0 HP afterwards. I would be nicer and assume if they had gotten First Aid or Medicine (and recovered enough HP), they should not be in danger of dying.
Q (S): How does movement work in CoC? If a PC has MOV 7, how far can you move on a grid map? Assume each grid square is 1 yard or meter.
A (MH): If you are just running flat out, sprinting, you can move up to MOV x 5 per round in yards or meters. See p.33, Keeper Rulebook, Movement Rate (MOV). So a MOV 7 can move up to 35 yards (or 105 feet).
World class sprinter can MOV 11. A fit human MOV 9 for a 5-minute mile, 12 MPH. See p.146, Keeper Rulebook, MOV Rates Table.
During combat, it's MOV in yards or meters because you are more cautious. See p.206, Keeper Rulebook, Movement.
So, during combat, it's 7 grid squares per round. But if they're sprinting (fleeing), it's 35 grid squares.
This is good to know because most houses in the 1920s didn't have a large lot size. You can basically run from the backyard to your car parked on the street in one round. 😊
Q (K): Do you have to Dodge to get out of melee?
A (MH): There's no disengage or attacks of opportunity in CoC. So, you don't need to dodge to get out of melee and flee. You just leave, unless someone has you held; in that case, you need to break out of the hold first before fleeing. Combat lets you have an attack and a move, so you'd have to make a Fighting (Brawl) roll and defeat the hold on you, then in the same action, move away as far as possible.
If you are talking about getting out of melee range, so you can shoot without the 2 penalty dice. That's more of a GM decision.
Q: When does outnumbering reset?
Q: When does outnumbering reset?
A (MH): RAW (Rules As Written) says that the defender is outnumbered (attacker gets a bonus die) if the defender already dodged or fought-back in that Round and the count resets at the top of the Round.
I found that there is an odd edge case. For example, one attacker is very fast, DEX 80. And the defender has DEX 60. Assume there's one more attacker at DEX 50. In this situation, the DEX 80 attacker will never get a bonus die, the 2nd attacker at DEX 50 always gets the bonus die. I found this really strange.
One person mentioned that they reset the count at the start of the defender's action. So, when it wraps around to the 80 DEX attacker, they would still get a bonus die. It would reset at DEX 60, and the attacker at 50 DEX would be the "1st defense," so no bonus die for that attack. This seems more fair.
That said, most combat doesn't go longer than 3 rounds, and is probably moot in most cases.
Also sometimes during combat, I forget the reset and give a bonus die for every attack after the 1st attack. No one has really noticed because it's usually many PCs vs one opponent/creature. And no one complains when they get a bonus die. And they wonder when they don't get one. Then I have to say, you don't get a bonus die because your attack is the first attack on the creature at the top of the round. But like I said, the very fast PC (sometimes the big bruiser) winds up never getting a bonus die. That's when I noticed this.
Q (Z): How do you describe Major Wounds?
A (MH): I use the Optional Hit Location Chart on p.127 Keeper Rulebook. Depending on how they were attacked or injured, I make something up that's reasonable.
Q (BC): Can a defender use a maneuver? Or are maneuvers only an option for the person initiating the attack?
A (MH): You can fight back with a maneuver. It won't do damage, but it'll do whatever your goal of the maneuver is such as disarm the attacker, you just need a better success then the attacker.
Q (O): How do you handle a missed throw roll when PCs are pitching dynamite or grenades?
A (MH): There's no official rule. I roll a 1d8 (or 1d12 using hands of a clock) for direction away from the target and since it's a miss, it'll landed far enough away to do no damage.
As per people complaining about using the Throw skill, well if you plan on throwing grenades or dynamite, you should have put points in it. When something like this came up, I said people don't throw dynamite, they place it carefully, light it, and move to a safe distance. Who trains on throwing lit sticks of dynamite at tree stumps? The only people who train with grenades are soldiers. Using DEX makes it too easy to hit your target. Try throwing a road flare (or wax candle) 30 yds and see if you hit your target. I've used throwing knives and can't hit a target reliably and they're designed for throwing. And how long of a fuse do you use? Do you know how fast your fuse burns? Yeah, I bet you don't.
Q (TIF): I was looking through the list of weapons in the Keeper Rulebook and it lists for "Spear, Thrown" a range of STR/5 Yards. I thought that might be a little low, so I looked up the Olympic rankings and the furthest a man has thrown a javelin in an Olympic event is over 300 feet. Now, I understand that most people aren't anywhere near capable of that, that the balance and weight of a spear might be different from a javelin intended for Olympic events, but the way the math works out, even with a STR of 99, a character can only throw a spear 19 yards (or 57 feet), which is impressive, but really unrealistic to CoC, where verisimilitude is so important.
Is homebrewing a longer range for some of the thrown weapons a good idea? Or should I just stick with the rules in the book. I understand it's unlikely to actually encounter scenarios where your characters are throwing spears, but it bothers me nonetheless.
A (MH): It probably doesn't matter in-game as things are never that far away. That said, Olympic javelin throw is not hitting a bulls eye, but for range. Sure, you can throw a javelin 300 feet, but can you hit a person at that distance? I doubt it. Even at 57 feet, it's pretty tough.
A (FotD): 60 feet is pretty much the effective range javelins were used historically though. Roman pila despite being heavy could do 50-65ft. and reasonably expect to hit. Can I hit a person at that range? Probably not, but I have shit throwing skill.
A (TIF): Okay, that's a good point. The range is more about accuracy than distance.
Q (lh): Medicine Exploit. Can I over heal? If I have 10/15 HP and get new damage of 2. I use medicine and roll 1d3 and get a 3, do I heal 2 or 3?
A (MH): See p.69 Keeper Rulebook, Medicine. See paragraph 3. If you take new damage, you can get First Aid and Medicine again, but remember Medicine requires at least 1 hour treatment. I generally rule that Medicine requires the proper equipment and facilities such as a hospital.
Q (lh): Do they heal 2 (new damage) or 3 (die roll)?
A (MH): RAW, you heal 3 pts. In pre-7e, you kept track of every wound and First Aid can be attempted on a per wound basis (with no overflow to the next wound). 7e got rid of this and simplified it to 1 HP healed for First Aid and kept Medicine at 1d3, I wouldn't sweat it too much and let them heal more than the new wound. The cost of not allowing this is more record keeping. I'm for less record keeping and giving the PCs a small edge. Also what does it mean when you regain 1 HP from Regular Damage Recovery (p.121 Keeper Rulebook)? If you got hit 5 times but heal naturally for 1 HP, does only 1 wound recover 1 HP or does all 5 wounds recover 1/5 HP? To me it's just a giant bucket of HPs.
Video of Realistic Knife Attacks:
What a realistic knife attack is like (video link) - shows how fast a knife attack is and how much presence of mind is required to fire a gun if you had one.
Knife attack and 4 guys with firearms defending (video link) - shows some tactics for the other guys with firearms and how the guy with a firearm just gets taken down to the ground.
Random Crazy just stabbing people (video link) - shows how hard it is to spot a knife attack, especially being attacked by a random crazy person.
Gun vs Knife Attack - what to do if you're trained with a gun.
Other Q&A:
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CoC 7th Magic Q&A
CoC 7th Skill Checks Q&A
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