Saturday, June 18, 2005

Enforced Waste. Recycle the World.

I just tried to make a comment on a comment on a co-worker's blog and lo and behold, I had to create a blog before I was allowed to make a comment, for christ sakes, this is what is wrong with the world today.

Enforced waste.

We get plastic wrapped around a cardboard box around a plastic bottle holding a small wad of cotton keeping pills from doing their death rattle in a bottle. Yeah, look at all that waste just to keep you safe. We try to feel good by recycling aluminum cans, bottles, cardboard, but we're just fooling ourselves. In this consumer society, we're just using everything up: trees, fossil fuels, oxygen, water, everything. All this conservation and recycling is just to fool you into thinking you're a good citizen. As religion was the opiate of the masses, recycling is the new world religion. Wait until we run out of everything and we're cave men huddled around a burning pile of tires. We'll tell stories of men flying, messages traveling around the world at the speed of light, weapons that can kill you miles away, and food that came in clear cellophane boxes that were crispy and tasty, but not healthy for you.

So what's wrong with forcing me to create a blog? Aren't the bits recycled? I don't see any trash floating by on the ethernet whirlwind. So, what's the big deal?

I'm wasting space on someone's hard drive and wasting someone's electricity.

Take a look at the other blogs on this site. I did a quick run through. Most of the blogs are fake blogs pointing to porn sites. Others are just blatent plugs for companies and businesses. What a waste of resources. We rail about spam, hating it, disliking it. The junk blogs here are just as bad.

Wail into the night, scream at the top of your lungs, tell them you've had enough and ain't going to take it anymore. Get the powers that be to pull the plugs on those junk blogs and recycle their ass.

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