Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Morgan's DundraCon 2025 Excellent Adventures

This convention is an 8 minute drive from my home. So, if I only get into one game, it's not a big deal to drive to the convention and go home afterwards. When the convention is in San Francisco, it's a 50 minute drive each way. So, I'd rather play in a couple of games (stay all day) when I have to drive up there.

The only drawback is the DunDraCon shuffler results are posted 15 mins before the first games in that time slot which is crazy. For instance, in a slot, some games may start at 6pm, others at 8 pm. But they don't post the attendance list until 5:45pm. Giving you 15 mins to get to your game. The good news is that they now post the results online in addition to the old fashioned way of taping up paper on a wall, there used to be a crowd of people jostling each other trying to figure out of they got into a game. I just wish they post it an hour earlier. (The exception is the day's first session which is posted the night before).

I was worried about the two games I was running because they were on Sunday and Monday, but both at 8am. The scenario I have is best with a full table. To my relief, both games filled up. There was only one no show for Monday morning, but I had one crasher, so I still filled the table. Yay!

Those more observant might realize I sometimes title these convention blog posts with the words Excellent Adventures and sometimes not. It's a reference to Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Some conventions aren't excellent. This one was.

The games were fun, the GMs were good to excellent, the scenarios were all very good, the Players were all good to excellent. I hung out with people from the Con circuit. Picked up some free stuff from the freebie table. Got deeply discounted stuff from the Dealer Room. Definitely two thumbs way, way up. 👍👍

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Tales from the Walker Bar and Grill, Chapter 1
Friday 2 PM for 6 Hours
GM: Ben Lopez
System: Feng Shui
Edition: 1st
Players: 6 (P Myers, M Willner, H Parker, J Smith, Morgan Hua, 1 empty seat)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Useful
Game Content: Mature Themes
The Walker Bar and Grill, where retired action heroes go to live the quiet life and avoid trouble. But trouble tends to come knocking. Play as characters such as Cordell Walker, Jack Burton, John McClane, and more!

We had Data (from the Goonies but grown up), Magnum PI, John Wick, Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China), and Dirty Harry (but old like from Gran Torino, my PC) hanging out in a bar. There was a whole stack of pre-gens. Those were the ones we picked.

I enjoyed this game. It started off with a bang and we had a big fight near the end, that went on a bit too long, and John Wick was going to die in a couple hours if we didn't get him to a doctor, so we took him to Doogie Howser.

Cthulhu Dark: The Cable
Saturday 8 PM for 4 Hours
GM: Charles Picard
System: Cthulhu Dark
Players: 5 (F Garcia, A Valbuena, Bill L, Sean P, Morgan Hua)
Provided: Characters created for game
Power Level: low
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream
In 1858 magnate Cyrus Field backed the most audacious high tech project of the 19th century: laying an undersea telegraph cable across the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. As crew on the USS Niagara, you'll discover the truth of that expedition... and why it was doomed to fail!

Cthulhu Dark is a rules light take on Mythos gaming that centers the experience of ordinary people confronting a cosmic horror they can't defeat. Be prepared for themes of body horror, compulsion/addiction, and madness. Safety Tools: X Card; Lines and Veils.

This year, I used my priority slip to get into this game. I had heard good things about this game and Charles told me he was considering retiring the game, so I wanted to make sure I got to play it before it was retired. It was an excellent game. The best of the 3 games I played in. It also helped we had a table of excellent players including Bill and Sean.

Hope's Last Day
Sunday 8 AM for 4 Hours
GM: Morgan Hua
System: Alien RPG - Free League
Edition: 1st
Players: 5 (D Wheeler, D Sundey, S Bea, J Ball, R McClelland-Bane)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Power Level: Colonists
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mature Themes
Hadley's Hope is a 'shake and bake' colony located on the moon LV-426. Hope's Last Day tells the story of the final hours of Hadley's Hope, all through the eyes of five colonist workers. The time frame is 2 weeks before Ripley arrives with the Colonial Marines in Aliens. The PCs return from a routine maintenance run and find everything has gone to hell. This scenario is from the core book. I was introduced to Alien RPG with this scenario and I love it. I've run this about 8 times already.

All newbies to Alien RPG and one person never saw any of the movies. There's always that one Player and I love it because it'll all be a surprise to them. I had an excellent table of Players.

The Adventure of the Sword Tournament
Sunday 4 PM for 4 Hours
GM: Brian Chumney
System: Pendragon
Edition: 6th
Players: 5 (K Betchart, K Ryker, S Bui (one no show, I assume it was this person), Sean P, Morgan Hua)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mainstream
The year is 510. The cold, gray, leaden skies of winter mirror the mood of the land. None have worn the crown of Logres since the death of King Uther fifteen years ago. All of Britain suffers under the depredations of rapacious, ambitious barons and opportunistic raiders. You and your fellow Player-knights will join a nameless, backcountry squire who quite unexpectedly finds himself carrying the weight of an entire realm on his shoulders. As landless knights, the characters are presented with a golden opportunity to back the so-called Boy King against the warlords who would crush him in their mad quest for power. This is a tutorial scenario meant not only to teach everyone the rules of the game but also familiarize them with the world of King Arthur, which is often quite unlike our received understanding of medieval life as depicted in contemporary fiction, visual media, and other role-playing games.

I have Pendragon 1e and 5.1e. I've played it and recently bought the 6e Starter Set (I only skimmed the new rules) and I wanted to play it. My favorite thing is to play something before running it, so I can enjoy it twice. Once you run a game (or read it), you can't really play it as a Player. Being the forever GM, I always have to have new material to run, so I sometimes have to run a scenario and never get a chance to play it.

GM told us the Starter Set adventure is pretty long, so we weren't going to finish it, but he'd try to get us through as much as possible, so we'd get a good feel for the game. We wouldn't do a Wintering phase, but he talked about it.

I vaguely remembered the Battle system. I did like the change for Multiple Opponents in combat. Previously, if you fought two people, you had to split your skill and decide how much per opponent; now, you just get a -5 to your skill for both opponents. Failing a Passion roll wasn't as punishing as before. So, all good changes.

I really enjoyed this game. I'm so glad I got to play. We also had a good table of Players too.

Hope's Last Day
Monday 8 AM for 4 Hours
GM: Morgan Hua
System: Alien RPG - Free League
Edition: 1st
5 Players: N Quinnell (Hirsch), B Recktenwald (Holroyd), K Pincmbe (Sigg), A Lee (Singleton), Vincent (MacWhirr)
Provided: All characters provided by GM
Power Level: Colonists
Rules Knowledge: Beginners Welcome
Game Content: Mature Themes
Hadley's Hope is a 'shake and bake' colony located on the moon LV-426. Hope's Last Day tells the story of the final hours of Hadley's Hope, all through the eyes of five colonist workers. The time frame is 2 weeks before Ripley arrives with the Colonial Marines in Aliens. The PCs return from a routine maintenance run and find everything has gone to hell. This scenario is from the core book. I was introduced to Alien RPG with this scenario and I love it. I've run this about 8 times already.

One of the Players, A Lee, mentioned that he had watched the podcast interview of me. What? Someone watched that? And wanted to mention it? Thanks! Made me go watch it again. It definitely has some good advice and information.

The Players were all newbies to Alien RPG, and two who've never seen any of the movies, but one admitted knowledge via osmosis through friends and social media. This was the first group to survive with no deaths and they even rescued a NPC. This was the 12th run of the scenario for me. Another table of excellent Players.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Vaesen: Mythic Britain & Ireland - Review

This supplement adds information for running Vaesen in the UK (p.5-39), adding a new HQ (Rose House, p.41-45), 1 new Talent (p.16, Fostered), 3 new Archetypes (Athlete, Entertainer, Socialite, p.46-49; updated background tables, p.150-153), and 13 new Vaesen. (p.51-83). The UK information includes idea seeds for various locations.

In addition to Vaesen's idea of Old Ways vs Industrialization, this supplement adds the idea of tension between social classes. 

The book includes 3 scenarios, ranked in my order of preference:
  1. Old Meg
  2. The Hampstead Group
  3. The Llantywyll Incident
In the maps shown, marked in red is the general location of the scenario. London is shown as an orientation point.

Most of my sessions are 3 hours long. Different groups take different times, but my run times are here for comparison purposes.

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Old Meg
Location: South Gloucestershire, England
Pages: 22
Run Time: 2 sessions
Hook: A young woman is dead near standing stones and her former suitor is going to hang for the crime.

This one is the most complicated scenario out of the three and the most enjoyable to run.

The Llantywyll Incident
Location: Llantywyll, Wales
Run Time: 1 session
Hook: A minister tried to disprove that Christianity causes bad luck in the mine, so he conducted a chapel service inside and caused a minor collapse. The mine is currently closed.

A very straight forward investigation.

The Hampstead Group
Location: Hampstead, England
Pages: 20
Run Time: 1 session
Hook: A man is missing, last seen at an artist colony.

Another straightforward investigation.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Morgan's Dead of Winter 2024 Adventures

I hadn't gone to Dead of Winter for several years due to the Covid pandemic. I did do two online DoW conventions during those years, 2020 & 2021. This was the first in-person gathering for me since 2018.

It was fun meeting everyone again. I did forget that the game times started sliding towards 1am and I'm getting too old for late nights. The game times started later and later because the night owls can't get up and get breakfast before 11am. My general bedtime is close to 10pm. I did suffer and didn't recover until Saturday the following week. So, it took me 6 days to recover. Ugh.

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SATURDAY DECEMBER 14, 11AM-5PM (game was about 5 hrs).

The Auction
GAME SYSTEM: Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
GM: Michael Ripley
VARIATIONS: Standard rules
POWER LEVEL: Experienced characters / More worldly than starting characters
TONE: Initially socializing, making deals, and bidding wars. Gives way to slow moving unexpected horror.
TAGS: Invite only auction, Unique items, Occult items, Personal interaction, Mystery behind the scenes, Murders

PLAYERS: Aaron V (Marek - Vatican Priest), Renee M (Rook - Govt Worker), Kevin S (Moreau - Investigative Reporter), Jim M (Tanaka - HK Gangster), Morgan Hua (Walsh - Aging Movie Star)

Perhaps the largest collection of occult items in the world was hidden during World War Two, locked away by the mysterious Walter Von Krebes. Now it is 2025 and he has died. All of his possessions have been left to his grandson, Manfred Von Krebes. Manfred needs money and is selling off his grandfather’s occult collection at an exclusive auction to be held at his secluded, high-security manor house in the remote wilderness of Canada. 

While Manfred does not believe in the supernatural or magic, his select group of guests are of a different mind. They each have their own reasons for wanting the arcane items that are listed in the yellowed inventory ledgers of Walter Von Krebes.

I originally thought this scenario was The Auction from the collection of scenarios called The Asylum. I heard vague things about The Action, so I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to play in it. Well, actually Mike Ripley wrote a completely new scenario and incidentally named it The Auction.

That said, I still enjoyed this game.

SATURDAY DECEMBER 14, 7PM-1AM (game lasted 4 hrs, Ten Candle games generally are 4 hrs and are hard to sustain for longer than that).

Ten Torches
GAME SYSTEM: Ten Candles
GENRE: Dark Fantasy Horror
GM: Anthony Brown
TONE: Dark D&D

PLAYERS: Josh C (Hobbit - Pack Mule), J Murray (Orc - Hygienist), Alicia H (Human - Animal Handler), Kevin H (Human - Apothecary), Morgan Hua (Dwarf - Chalk Marker)

The Heroes left you in the last chamber they cleared, before going off to slay the Mad Goblin Wizard behind all the chaos of the last few months. While you were cleaning their gear and preparing to leave this foul hole in the ground there was a loud bang, a horrible smell, and the world went black. Somehow the five of you found the remaining 12 torches and sat waiting for the heroes to return.

That was two torches ago, maybe you should look into what has happened...

This was originally going to be a game run by Jack Young, his Privateer game which we've been asking him to run for us. But he had a bicycle accident and we got a replacement game. So, from high anticipation, we get a Dungeon Crawl with 10 Candles. I don't like D&D and dislike dungeon crawls. I've played Ten Candles and to me it's a pickup game and as most narrative story games, it depends on what the other Players bring to the table. So, from high anticipation, I got low, low expectations. And for me, this game was exactly what I expected. I didn't really enjoy it.

After playing this, I saw so many things, I as a GM. would have done to make this a better game.

SUNDAY DECEMBER 15, 11AM-5PM (game was about 5 hrs including a long system intro/tutorial).

GAME SYSTEM: Dreamland
SETTING: A low-tech, exotic fantasy world
GM: Aaron Vanek
TONE: Dreamland is a wondrous, sometimes scary, sometimes heavy game, set in a low-tech, exotic fantasy world, in which the players are isolated adventurers. 
TAGS: Fantasy, Word-based Mechanic, Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft, Kij Johnson

PLAYERS: Matt A (Merchant), Arthur P (Egyptian Poet), Bill L (Soldier), Josh C (Troubadour), Morgan Hua (Kabok the Cook)

Beyond time and space lies Dreamland, an ancient world formed from the hopes and fears of humanity. You are a dreamer, one of the rare few who can enter Dreamland with consciousness intact. In the waking world, you might be an artist, a traveler, or someone for whom dreams are their only escape. In the dream world, you could be a merchant, a beggar, a soldier, a queen, etc. 

In Dreamland, you go on adventures and travel to marvelous lands, on perilous roads through deserts and jungles, to the lairs of strange peoples, beasts, and dragons…or perhaps even further than this, east of the sun and west of the moon. But your dream self does not remember all of your waking life, or vice versa. Only a few Memories of your waking life remain, and these Memories are your lifeline between the real world and Dreamland. Lose all your Memories and you will be forever lost in Dreamland, leaving your waking-world body behind…

Dreamland is a tabletop RPG coming in 2025 from Exalted Funeral. Dreamland is inspired by the fantasy stories of Lord Dunsany; H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath; Michael Ende’s The Neverending Story; Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities; and Kij Johnson’s The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe. Dreamland, like Wonderland or Slumberland, is as much a land of fairytales as of dreams. Dreamers don’t explore people’s individual dreams, but a collective ur-reality of myths, legends and visions. While dreamers can alter reality like in movies such as Inception, DMs and players might find more inspiration in surreal fantasy films and shows like Labyrinth, The Fall, The Wizard of Oz, the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky, Keiichi Sigsawa’s Kino’s Journey and Over the Garden Wall.

I think game system description took 40 mins or so. It was a bit complex and did need the system overview. Basically, there are words belonging to 5 categories dropped on the table (15 words are always on the table and maintained by the GM). To succeed in an action, you need to beat a set number and sometimes +1d6. There are easy tasks and opposed tasks. Easy tasks, you are given the target number. Opposed tasks, you are given the range, such as 3 + 1d6. You must string words from the table. Each word is +1. If you have the right skill, you get +1d6. If you have an appropriate power, you can get 2x to words in the matching category. There are other powers which break or bend the rules.

This system was very different from most RPGs and I really enjoyed this.

The words are curated much like fridge poetry magnets. One set is Dunsany often used words. Another was Lovecraft's. This helps with evoking the setting. I still can't get over the fact that Bill was able to string his words together in iambic pentameter. WTF, Bill. You put me to shame. 😀

We first got to pick a random waking self out of 30+ envelopes with a hint (3 PC memories) of what was inside (PC's full description). I found out that this was not that important as 90% of the time we're in our sleeping selves. 10% is spent in the sleeping world. But you do have your waking world knowledge, but not the skills. We're basically lucid dreamers. What was important was the 3 memories as they define your Pillars for dream Marvels.

Then we picked various Roles from a stack of sheets (24 different Roles). We were instructed to look at a handful, find the 3 most interesting, and then pick 1. This was your sleeping self, your main PC.

We did the adventure and then woke up. Basically, the waking self is much like the Winter phase in Pendragon or the HQ phase in Vaesen. You get a short vignette when you wake up.

Of the games I played, this was my favorite game at the convention. You can get the QuickStart here.

SUNDAY DECEMBER 15, 7PM-1AM (game was about 5 hrs).

A-Paw-Calypse Meow
GAME SYSTEM: Year Zero Engine
GM: Morgan Hua
VARIATIONS: Animals can talk to each other
POWER LEVEL: Pets of Rich and Famous People
TONE: Darkly Humorous (Dale & Tucker vs Evil, Evil Dead 2, Shaun of the Dead)
TAGS: Horror Tropes, Apocalyptic, Cannibalism, Harm to Animals

PLAYERS: Aaron V (Snoop Catt), Frank F (Tinkerbell), Matt R (Wild Thang), Mike R (KFC), Renee M (Byrd)

You play Jackie Chan's Squirrel, Samuel Jackson's Parrot, Snoop Dogg's Cat, Paris Hilton's Chihuahua, and Gary Busey's Dog. Your human is at some charity event and they abandon you at the hospitality suite. As the world spirals into collapse, you must work together to survive and travel to your wormiest heart of darkness.

I had an excellent, amazing, and great table and Matt R brought the most-est Gary Busey jokes and Wild Thang antics. I don't think anybody could have done better with that PC.

I laughed really hard and had a great time. Sorry, Matt Steele, I think it was 90% humor and 10% horror.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Morgan's Illusion Horror Con 2024 Excellent Adventures

The free online horror convention. They have raffles of physical and digital prizes. The raffle money goes to various charities.

I bought several Kult books, but I can't get my weekly gaming group interested in playing, so this time, I signed up for all the Kult games possible. And ... I got into no Kult games. But later, I got into two Kult games via the wait list.

After playing more Kult. I think the 2d10 PbtA system is a neutral system for Kult. What I mean is, if you play Alien RPG, the Stress & Panic system adds greatly to the game and supports it very well. Kult's PbtA system doesn't add nor subtract from the game play. It's just there. The system is serviceable, but what differentiates Kult from other horror games is the setting.

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12/6/24 Fri 10am-2pm (4 hrs)

The Blizzard's Teeth
System: Kult: Divinity Lost
GM: SpoJino (Joseph)
4 Players: manbeartroll (Lucie the teenager - Brian), yashtruna (Fergus the muscle - Dominika), rocinate_on_focus (Eve the hunter - Robert), Morgan Hua (Jacob the leader)
Pregens: provided
Content Warnings: Body horror, Loss of agency, possible PvP

Strangers eye each other across the frosty courtyard of the mountain compound. Outside the blizzard howls. The horrific storm has seemingly claimed some of your companions already who had sought a way back to rugged mountain roads. Communication with the village below has been spotty at best, and only getting worse as the blizzard gets stronger. Everyone has their own reasons for being here, as the CEO’s mountain retreat offers more than shelter from the raging storm. You have not all arrived here together, nor are you all known to each other. What you do know is that this place should have had, at most, a minimal staff presence to maintain the compound during the harsh winter months. At the moment, it’s unclear if the greater threat is the growing storm outside or the suspicious faces around you.

GM said this was a fantasy survival horror scenario written by Scott Dorward which he reimagined as a modern Kult game. We had a good table of Players and I really enjoyed this game.

This game wasn't designed for Kult, nor really used the Kult mythos, so even though the game was good, it wasn't a Kult game in my mind.

12/6/24 Fri 4-8pm (4 hrs)

Bad Apple
System: CoC
GM: J. Michael Arons (jarons20)
4 Players: JohnLapoint (Dennis the laborer - John), JustinLapoint (Evelyn the doctor and Arthur's daughter - Justin), Morgan Hua (Arthur Ashmore the Scientist)
Pregens: provided.
Content Warnings: Infertility, Sexual Violence

1920s, England. A Town suffering a bad harvest. Can the Investigators find the cause and end the corruption?

This was a play test and an interesting scenario, but I felt the pacing was a bit too slow for my tastes.

12/7/24 Sat 11am-1pm (2 hrs, game was in a full 4 hr slot, but GM told us it was a short game)

Getting the Band Back Together
System: CoC
GM: Scott Dorward
4 Players: EerieLunarose (Perry St James - guitarist), ghost_crystal (Moxie Mutter - manager), automeris_io (Robin St James - bassist), Morgan Hua (Aubrey St James - singer)
Pregens: provided.
Content Warnings: Body horror, violence, harm to animals, possible PvP

Massachusetts, 1928. This latest tour has not been going well for your band. Interpersonal tensions are running high and the band is on the verge of splitting up. Maybe a nice stay in the country is just the thing you need to rebuild your sense of togetherness.

This was a very fun game, but it's more of an incident than a full scenario. Thus the 2 hour run time.

12/8/24 Sun 10am-2pm (4 hrs)

The Twins
System: Kult: Divinity Lost
GM: mrtnj (Martin)
2 Players: deviliciouz (Sam-antha Anderson, mom and programmer - Setheus), Morgan Hua (Ian, boyfriend and drug councilor)
Pregens: In-game character creation.
Content Warnings: harm to children, losing family members, self-harm, drugs, drowning, puberty, parenthood

The twins were, as one might expect, inseparable until that night. You are their parent and the new partner of their parent. Will you literally tear reality apart to get your kid back? One-shot game for two players. Character creation in game, aided by a questionnaire.

Characters are created in-game. We have a few questions to answer about the twins, ourselves, and our relationship.

Wow. Excellent Player and GM. When there's only 2 Players, everyone including the GM has to bring their A-game. No one slept on the job. A very, very enjoyable game.

This game definitely used the Kult mythos. We rarely rolled dice which was good as we mainly roleplayed. I think the system neither added nor subtracted from the game, it was neutral.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Vaesen: Seasons of Mystery - Review

This 104 page book (including endpapers and such) consisted of 4 unrelated scenarios; each set in a different season. No pre-gens were provided.

A Dance with Death (spring)
Fireheart (summer)
The Devil on the Moor (fall)
A Winter's Tale (winter)

On the maps for each scenario, I've circled Upsala in green as a reference point. Red is the destination.

Most of my sessions are 3 hours long. Different groups take different times, but my run times are here for comparison purposes.

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A Dance with Death
Season: Spring
Location: Nusnäs, Sweden
Pages: 20
Run Time: 1 session
Hook: Two cows drowned, police won't help, person suspects something supernatural did it.


Season: Summer
Location: Lake Hären. Smolandia, Sweden
Pages: 22
Run Time:  2 sessions
Hook: Brother is influenced by an evil preacher-woman, a servant of Lucifer.

The Devil on the Moor

Season: Fall
Location: Jutland, Denmark
Pages: 22
Run Time: 2 sessions
Hook: An engineer asks for help suspecting dark forces.

A Winter's Tale

Season: Winter
Location: Russia, near St. Petersburg
Pages: 20
Run Time: 2 sessions
Hook: PCs are invited to a meeting of people who know of the supernatural.