Sunday, November 27, 2022

Starter Set - Scenarios - Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed - Review

2022 edition

The Call of Cthulhu Starter Set (CoC 7e, 2022, 154 pages) consists of dice, rules (24 pages), a solo adventure (56 pages), 3 adventures (80 pages), handouts for the adventures (17 pages), and 5 pre-gen PCs.

There are two editions: 2018 and 2022. The only difference between the 2018 and 2022 editions is new art and the inclusion of fixed typos and errata. You can tell the difference between the editions based on the cover art.

The Adventures:
Alone Against the Flames: 1 Player, no GM (solo, chose your own adventure).
Paper Chase: 1-2 Players, 1 GM.
Edge of Darkness: 2-5 Players, 1 GM.
Dead Man Stomp: 2-5 Players, 1 GM.

Most of my sessions are 3 hours long. Different groups take different times, but my run times are here for comparison purposes.

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Alone Against the Flames
Time Period: 1920s
Location: Emberhead, somewhere in New England's Lovecraft Country.
Pages: 56
Run Time: 1 session
Pre-Gens: PC generated during play. No GM.
Hook: You're on a bus trip to Arkham for a new job.

This solo adventure is a good introduction. It's a choose your own adventure game walking you through various die rolls and is a good tutorial for the system. This doesn't use the pre-gens and was written as an early tutorial, including character generation during the adventure walk through, otherwise they should have used the pre-gens. 

I played this when it first came out and the free PDF (50 pages) is available here: Alone Against the Flames.

If you use the free PDF, you should get the CoC Quick Start Rules which includes the scenario The Haunting here (50 pages): CoC QuickStart and The Haunting.

This solo adventure is quite entertaining, worth trying a few times to see the different endings.

Paper Chase
Time Period: 1922
Location: Arnoldsburg, Michigan (can actually be set in any town).
Pages: 12
Run Time: 1 session
Pre-Gens: Choose from 5 pre-gens; 1-2 PCs and 1 GM.
Hook: Someone broke into Uncle Kimball's home and stole some books. Uncle Kimball disappeared over a year ago. Recover the books and if possible find Uncle Kimball.

Originally published in the CoC 3e core book, originally 3 pages long.

A fairly simple scenario.

Edge of Darkness
Time Period: 1923
Location: Arkham, MA.
Pages: 32
Run Time: 1 session
Pre-Gens: Choose from 5 pre-gens; 2-5 PCs and 1 GM.
Hook: Merriweather summons friends to his deathbed and has a last request. Banish an entity he and his friends had summoned at an old farmhouse.

Map of an abandoned farmhouse is provided.
Originally published in CoC 5e core book, originally 8 pages long.

Dead Man Stomp
Time Period: 1925
Location: Harlem, NY.
Pages: 26
Run Time: 1 session
Pre-Gens: Choose from 5 pre-gens; 2-5 PCs and 1 GM.
Hook: PCs are in a jazz club and all hell breaks loose.

Map of a jazz club is provided.
Originally published in CoC 5e core book, originally 9 pages long.

One of my favorite scenarios.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Zombie Drama - Homebrew System

I was working on my own version of The Walking Dead RPG and of course, Free League announces their own game, The Walking Dead Universe, to be released in 2023.

My idea is different. It's more of an extension of indie RPGs where failure and drama is rewarded vs success. Robin Law's Hillfolk is about inter-character conflict. Delta Green gives you an experience check if you fail a die roll. Dungeon World gives you an XP for rolling 6 or less (failure with trouble).

I've pushed it to the limit. I decided that I'm going to make a game based on failure. Why? Because I binge watched The Walking Dead and noticed that Rick is a horrible leader. He makes bad decisions that get people killed, yet he survives and other people who make terrible decisions also live because they're fan favorites.

I wanted to make a rules lite game and I know there's no way I can get the IP (intellectual property) for The Walking Dead, so I can only build a generic zombie game with sly references to The Walking Dead.

So, the game is about people messing up. The more drama you create, the longer you survive. Zombies are more of a wild card that can get you killed. What's more boring than a group of survivors who know what they're doing and where nothing goes wrong?

The game is also couched as a TV series to explain why everything is so messed up.

Anyway, I wanted to beat Free League to the punch.

So, I present to you Zombie Drama:

Zombie Drama Rules

Zombie Drama Character Sheet

Full Disclosure: It's a work in progress and not playtested.

It's free to use or modify for non-commercial purposes as long as you keep my copyright notice intact. If you want to redistribute, please keep the copyright intact and/or point people to this blog post instead, so at least I'll know how many people are interested in it.

Monday, November 07, 2022

Morgan's A Weekend With Good Friends Convention Nov 2022 Excellent Adventures


I got into four games via the signup lottery. Before the convention started, got offered two via waitlist and only took one of them. Then during the convention, a seat opened up for the Alien game, so I signed up for that. I played a total of 6 games. Two games were excellent, two good, two ok. All the Players at my tables were good to great.

Overall, an excellent convention.

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11/4 Fri 1-4pm (ran over by 1/2 hr to 4:30pm)

The Friend, the Fiend and the Shadow of the Night
System: Vaesen
GM: Bitburg_Chef (David)
Players: Morgan Hua (as Titus Gregorian the Academic), daveasaurus (Mattias as Hunter), greywolf5465 (Stefan Ekberg as PI), dwc (Darrin as Fader Sven Halström the Priest), CarlyD (Charles the Servant)

Late October 1865 - Several deaths have been reported in the streets of Upsala. The victims were found in alleyways or abandoned buildings on the edge of town; young women that are pale as a silver birch, yet with a wide smile on their face. The migrant worker district to the east of the city seems to be hit the hardest. The mood starts to shift, the workers call for aid but the police are at their wits end. If these murders continue a potential riot could harm all of Upsala, that is heavily relying on these migrant workers. Is the society able to figure out the cause of all the trouble?

A Investigatory who-done-it Vaesen scenario.

Content Warnings: Body Horror / Violence / Blood / Gore / Trauma
Additional Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion, X-Card, Lines and Veils
For 4-5 players, ages 18 and older. This game is beginner friendly.
Pre-generated characters will be provided.

I've played Vaesen twice before and have been lukewarm about the game. I think the system is ok, not great, so execution of the game by the GM makes or breaks the game for me.

We had a great table of Players and a really good game authored by the GM. Highly recommended.

11/5 Sat 8am-Noon

Saturnine Chalice
System: Call of Cthulhu
GM: Bitburg_Chef (David)
Players: Morgan Hua (Osbaldo ‘The Peacemaker’ Hounsell - Assassin), 
rob-bee (Spencer ‘Three Finger’ Curci - Burglar), 
sicDaniel (Francis ‘Two Tricks’ D’Urbano - Conman),
SAVeira (Theodore ‘The Bull’ Goodale - Boxer),
MarkK (Ian 'The Duke' Wares - Bank Robber).

Something went wrong at the heist; In and out in 15 minutes the Boss said. Easy pickings and no resistance from the other Family… Well F!!! Not only was "Greasy Thumb" Guzik and his men home, but they waited for you to get to the safe… You were set up. Rocco, Shaun and Arrigo are dead; you got a hefty beating and a couple of scars. You managed to hold on a couple bags but someone ratted you out - or - one of you is working for Guzik. Whatever; New York is too hot now, not only are the man from "Greasy Thumb" after you but also the cops who got alerted during the fiasco. Best to drive up north towards Canada and lay low with what you got... and maybe you can figure out who the rat was...

Content Warnings: Body Horror / Violence / Torture / Gore/ Suicide
Additional Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion, X-Card, Lines and Veils
For 3-5 players, ages 18 and older. This game is beginner friendly.
Pre-generated characters will be provided.

A good game, but I felt this GM who ran the Vaesen game, ran the Vaesen game better.

11/5 Sat 1-5pm

The Perfumed Jungle
System: Call of Cthulhu
GM: Anthony Lee-Dudley
Players: Morgan Hua (William 'Bill' Anderson - CIA Case Officer), 
molgars (Ryan Reese - CIA Junior Field Agent),
Modoc31 (Quan Bao Tran - Vietnamese Ranger), 
Grant Dowell (Gabriela Rojaz - CIA Pilot), 
mikc (Staff Sergeant Isaiah 'Prophet' Lane).

April 1972

The Xuan Chi valley - A largely unexplored area of the Vietnam Highlands.

As the active military phase of the US police action in Vietnam winds down, a team of CIA operatives are allocated a mission to locate and retrieve a highly prized asset, a US government biochemist, from deep inside the Vietnamese highlands.

Content Warnings: Body Horror and Conflict Situations
Additional Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion
For 3-5 players, ages 18 and older. This game is beginner friendly.
Pre-generated characters will be provided.

We had an interesting set of PCs. It was a good game for what it was. I did feel it was a bit railroady. This game lacks a great deal of realism for what I was looking for in a Vietnam wartime scenario. 

11/5 Sat 5:30-9:30pm

City of Angels, Secrets, and Garlic
System: Jiangshi
GM: P. Trolius
Players: Morgan Hua (Sing-Ha - the new world - 3rd gen, son),
molgars (Chau-Ying - psychic - 1st gen, grandma),
Bernardasaur (Yi-Gong - cooking - 2nd gen, father),
Troy (Yu-Ki - gambling - 2nd gen, uncle)

Jiangshi is a story game about a Chinese family making their living by running a restaurant in one of North America's Chinatowns, circa 1920s, and possibly having to deal with supernatural entities - such as Jiangshi - at night. The scenario "City of Angels, Secrets, and Garlic" is set in one of the 200 buildings of Los Angeles's old Chinatown. For this scenario we'll play members of a Chinese-American immigrant family running a restaurant. I know you'll do this respectfully and we'll talk about it before the game starts!

Tone: Dramedy, some dark tones with room for silly moments. Horror is mild.
Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion, Open-door policy, Lines & Veils, informal X-card (as in, not tech-supported in the tech I'm using in this scenario but otherwise entirely in play!)
Content Warnings: Racism (may be minimal depending on player choices and sliders we agree to at the beginning of the game; in all cases some content is veiled), oppression, potential for (supernatural-oriented) violence, missing people
Additional Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion, Lines and Veils
For 2-4 players, ages 18 and older. This game is beginner friendly.
Pre-generated characters will be provided.

I heard about this game and really wanted to try it. The most bizarre thing is that the authors made a lot of effort to use the Cantonese naming convention for PC names as most immigrants at that time came from Canton and spoke that dialect, but Jiangshi is the Mandarin pronunciation for hopping vampires.

GM spent about 1/2 hour explaining the game and safety tools. I found that a bit excessive. Most indie games are pickup and play. 

The game should really be multiple days with various phases of the day: Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Dead of Night. With Jiangshi appearing during the hours of darkness. During daylight, the PCs deal with their daily lives and running a Chinese restaurant. In this game we only played a single day cycle, instead of multiple days. Usually, you start with 5d8 for die rolls (with modifiers), but each following day, you lose 1d8, so it gets harder and harder to succeed. For convention play, we started with 4d8. Roll the dice and order them high to low. Each 4 (4 is a homophone for death) cancels the highest dice. Then look at the remaining highest die. The result for die rolls on 1d8: 8-7 = success, 6-5 = partial success, 4 = cancel highest die, 3-1 = failure, 0 = fumble (this almost happened when two 4s cancelled out the other two dice, but the PC used a skill to add an additional die).

The GM pacing was a bit slow for me, but I enjoyed the role playing at the table and the storytelling.

I am curious as to what type of variations you can throw at the Players to keep this game fresh. I feel this game is like Alien RPG's cinematic mode. It's great for one-shots or a short series if you have different scenarios to run, probably can't do a campaign.

11/6 Sun 7-11am (GM warned us game could run short depending on what the Players do, we finished in about 3.5 hrs)

PX Poker Night
System: Delta Green
GM: stef18885
Players: Morgan Hua (A1C Robert Cantu - light fingered),
thethirdt (SrA Jerry S. Young - hot headed),
dajebriza (SrA Alicia Geiger - mediocre),
plc5 (A1C Sheri J. Sims - whistle blower),
random-answer (AB Carlos Herrera - delinquent).

Somehow you ended up on Platte USAF base in the back end of nowhere (Nebraska). You didn’t expect this when you signed up to USAF. Now you are going about your duties and waiting to be discharged (honorably or dishonorably – you don’t really care). Just another day on the base trying to find something interesting to do. Hell at least maybe you can win some money from the commander as its poker night tonight....Oh wait – what’s that van at the security gates……………..

Content Warnings: Cosmic strangeness, horror, WTF.
Additional Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion
For 4-5 players, ages 18 and older. This game is beginner friendly.
Pre-generated characters will be provided.

Rank Order: Major, 1st Lt, MSgt, TSgt, SrA, A1C, Amn, AB

This is a classic Delta Green scenario and I always wanted to play this.

The PCs are all "problem" personnel on punishment detail. Because we all do our own thing, most of the PCs were split up and the GM did a masterful job keeping the narrative together. This was my favorite game of the convention.

11/6 Sun 12-4pm (GM warned us it'll probably run only 3 hrs and he was correct)

Mandatory Fun
System: Alien RPG
GM: Allegedly Dave
Players: Morgan Hua (Khan - ex-pilot),
Kafkas-Banjo (Nunez - science advisor),
FatherofGeorge (Lawson - security officer),
11thguest (Stewart - IT specialist)

It’s 2187 and humanity has spread out among the stars. For most people space is hell, but not for you. You are an employee of the Weyland-Yutani corporation, and you’ve got a future!

Every year the top executives at Weyland-Yutani gather for the annual executive retreat at the luxurious Overlook Station in the New Eden Sector. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone trying to climb the corporate ladder. Enjoy a few cocktails with your favorite co-workers as you scheme your way to the top at this once-a-year celebration of power points & middle management. Just be careful whose hands you step on.

Content Warnings: Body horror, Parasites, Corporate meetings
Additional Safety Tools: Pre-game discussion, X-Card, Lines and Veils
For 3-4 players, ages 18 and older. This game is beginner friendly.
Pre-generated characters will be provided.

I found this game ok, the GM pacing was too slow for me. The problem is that the PCs don't know each other and it's another split party, but the GM didn't navigate the split party well enough by introducing enough tension between scenes. So, scenes happened, but weren't that interesting.