Fact: 1936, a special list of people were made to determine who would be put into internment camps, as ordered by President Roosevelt.
Fact: 1942, 110,000 to 120,000 people of Japanese Ancestry were put into concentration camps. 62% were US citizens. The people were forced to sell their property and put into camps.
Fact: Holocaust. 1941-1945, 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews (communists, gays, political opposition) were murdered. So, 11 million people were exterminated in 5 years.
Fact: 2017, President Trump ordered an immigration ban based on country of origin and religion.
Fact: 2017, Steve Bannon is President Trump's Chief Strategist.
Fact: 2017, Bannon said there's going to be a war in the South China Sea with China in the next 5 to 10 years.
Fact: 2016, Bannon said there were too many Asian tech CEOs in Silicon Valley.
Fact: 2010, There's 3.8 million people of Chinese descent in USA.
Opinion: If there's a war with China, they can round up 3.8 million Chinese-Americans and put them in internment camps. It is not unimaginable. When the Jews were being put into freight cars, more than a few thought they were just rounding up "bad" elements initially, but why would they round up doctors, scientists, lawyers, politicians, business men, who contribute to society? It was unimaginable. Well, the excuse is terrorism. The result might be new internment camps.
Opinion: Why is the immigration ban important? (yes, there's arguments about what it's called, but the immigration ban is what media calls it.) For me it's a litmus test to see if a stronger Executive Order can be signed that would allow rounding up any possible terrorists. If this immigration ban succeeds, then a stronger Executive Order can be signed that will repeat Executive Order 9066, but for Chinese Americans. And from our experience with the Japanese internment camps, citizenship does not exclude you from being taken to an internment camp.
Opinion: "3.8 million people are a lot of people, it'll be impossible to round up that many people." During WW2, the Germans and Axis powers rounded up and killed 11 million people in 5 years. Not impossible. With computers, social media, and modern transportation, it'll be even easier to make a list of names and put people into concentration camps. Hey, to move so many people, the trains and buses will finally run on time.
Trumps Executive Order on Travel:
Bannon on too many Asians in Silicon Valley:
Bannon on war with China: